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Chapter 7                                   Found

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Chapter 7

"THERE'S BEEN a fire in a Hydra base in Siberia." Bruce spoke, bringing the camera footage on a screen in the meeting room.

"A Hydra base?" Steve questioned as they all watched the screen, his eyebrows furrowed. "I thought we had taken them all out?"

"Apparently not." Bruce stated. "Pierce must've set up more after he escaped from his cell, I'm assuming Rumlow is the one who helped him to escape. He's seen in this video, I believe he's the only survivor."

"What about her?" Natasha asked, therefore Bruce zoomed into the video using his fingers. They recognised her from the fight a few weeks previous. "Did she cause the fire?"

Bruce nodded. "I believe so, she killed over 70 people. She goes by the name Grim, one of Hydra's deadliest assassins."

"Damn." Sam spoke, folding his arms. "That's a lotta folks in one sitting, do we know where she is now."

"I believed she's still there." Bruce spoke, skipping the video a few minutes which shows Grim's small stature collapsing in the snow. "Im not sure that when we get there that we are going to find her alive."

"Don't worry, I'm here now!" Tony announced as he entered the meeting room, his suit fresh and his glasses placed firmly on his eyes. " What did I miss?"

"The girl we fought the other week with the blindfold, she just killed 70 people in a Hydra base." Natasha spoke, still staring at the screen and attempting to figure out the blindfold.

"Hydra?" Tony questioned with furrowed brows. "I thought that we had taken out all of their bases a few years ago?"

Bruce shrugged his shoulders. "As did we, but I do believe that this was the only base and this girl has just killed all of its members, Pierce included."

Tony took a seat at the table, looking at the screen along with all the other Avengers. Bucky sat quietly as he pondered on the situation, if he knew anything about Hydra, it's that they were excellent at turning good people into murderous beings and therefore he felt for the girl on the screen.

"What are you going to do if we find her alive?" Bucky eventually spoke up, leaning forward in his chair and resting his arms on the table. "How do we know that she wasn't brainwashed? Or tortured and that's why she did what she did."

"It's still a crime to murder people, Bucky." Natasha spoke, her arms folding over her chest. "Brainwashed or not, she just killed 70 people. If we find her, she's going to be on trial and probably in jail for the rest of her life."

The Traitor | J.Buchanan BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now