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                                  Chapter 5                                      Grim

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                                  Chapter 5

65 Years Later

"WHAT IS YOUR mission?" Pierce asked after saying her activation words, standing in front of her whilst she was seated in the same chair in which she had been tortured in for the past few years.

"убей их." (Kill them) She spoke, a crimson bandana covering her eyes, she hadn't seen anything properly in years.

"Good." Pierce replied, before exiting the room and commanding that Rumlow get her prepped for the mission. He began doing so, showing her a final time their pictures whilst she put on her full body outfit, which matched the color of her bandana. Red was her favorite, it meant the blood that stained her after the killings wouldn't be noticeable. She was unable to recollect any of her past, Dr Zola and now Pierce had put her under many brainwashing techniques and she had been cryogenically frozen in a cryostasis chamber for over sixty years, before Hydra had decided that she was worth something and to be used. After years of torture, brainwashing and lies - she had become exactly what Dr Arnim Zola had always said...A weapon.

"Grim." Rumlow's low voice stopped the girl in her tracks in the door way, she slightly turned her head in his direction, showing that she could hear him. "I can get you out of here, you know."

"That is not my mission." She stated simply, before exiting the room. Any personality had died with the girl the day she was first electrocuted, but after the 50th time, she had become only a shell of a person who was commanded to do whatever Hydra wanted from her.

Grim set off in the helicopter provided by Hydra, the helmet sat on her head and the microphone was positioned near her lips as she switched on the buttons and began to take off. Her mission was to take out a high-level military official who had been hiding out in a military base off the coast of Beijing. She was used to this now, leaving the Hydra base to kill whoever needed killing and then report back to her base only to be locked up and treated like an animal. The worst part? She felt zero remorse, she felt nothing at all.

As she landed the helicopter a few miles away from the military base, she pulled a large black bag from the vehicle and began her trek through the woods. The only power that had emerged to the girl from the serum injected into her 65 years ago, was her ability to use heat vision, this is why she was always seen wearing a red blindfold. When she took it off, it was more work to switch between her normal sight to the other and therefore she kept her eyes continuously covered.

Eventually, she had reached the top of a steep cliff which looked directly over a beach with a hidden military base. Men were coming in and out of the large warehouse looking building, watchtowers and dogs surrounding. She began pulling the bolt-action sniper from her bag, screwing the parts together, including the silencer. She laid down, holding the gun effortlessly in her hands and looking through the snipers sight. One of her eyes closed and her breathing became shallower, she began scouting him out.

The Traitor | J.Buchanan BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now