God I love this Woman

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Lexis POV:

The room was crowded full of people drinking and conversing. I had just linked hands with Ash and he was guiding me through the maze of people when a couple comes and stops us.

" Mr. Gordon what a pleasure to see you again," the older woman greets.

" The pleasure is all mine, Katherine, Maurice." He greets while giving a polite nod in each of their direction.

" I actually have a business offer, may I speak with you privately?" The man Maurice asks Ash.

" Of course, Lexi please get to know Katherine I believe you will get along quite well." Ash says turning to me before guiding Maurice away from the party.

" Let's get a drink my dear, " Katherine says leading me towards the bar. She hands me a glass that strongly smells of alcohol.

" Cheers," She says as we clink our glasses together. I do not taste the drink in my hand which does not go unnoticed by my company.

" Well I didn't poison it sweetie drink up," She says smiling.

" I'm only 17," I tell her a little embarrassed.

" Oh you poor thing. You are in a room with the most dangerous people in the world, no one will care if you drink a few glasses," She laughs.

I take a sip just to please her although the alcohol rushes over me as this must have been a very strong drink.

" So you are about to become a very powerful lady how does it feel?" She noses

" I haven't really thought about it" I answer honestly.

" Good don't. Because you truly won't have any, a small petite little girl like you. I truly don't understand why he would want to marry you. I mean my daughter Katy would have been a much better option,"

I scoff " This wasn't a thing of choice. Although I may be small I can still kick someones ass if needed. So I would watch the jealousy, green doesn't look good on you." I say walking away flustered with fury.

I am kind of in my own world not truly paying attention to the mass amount of people around me. When a tall man that looks to be in his late 40s approaches me.

" Alexia right," He asks grabbing my shoulder suddenly stopping me.

" That would be me," I respond shaking his hand off of me.

" I am the Boss of my own mafia as well. Your fiancé and I share things weapons, plots, men, I don't see why we can't share women as well especially one as pretty as you," he says caressing my face and moving strands of hair back.

" I'm not interested" I reply sternly. This disturbing interaction has caused memories to start flooding my brain and I needed to get out of here before they become a hurricane.

" Oh well I am" He says reaching around and injecting me with something in my shoulder.

" Agh what did you do?" I ask frantically reaching back to feel the spot causing pain. My eyes widen then suddenly everything turns black.

I am unaware of how much time had passed but when I wake I am concerned of what I found. I am on a large king bed staring at the mirror above the dresser across from me. My eyes are red and mascara runs down my face. The first thing I noticed is the only thing covering me is a laced bra and thin underwear. I stand up and put my dress back on with tears still rolling down my face.

I take a deep breath and walk around to the other side of the bed and I see blood trickling onto the ground.

Dead. That pervert who drugged me, dead. Good. I felt like I should be scared or feel a tad bit of remorse. But I didn't, nor did I try to.

Then suddenly to my surprise Ash exits the bathroom that is attached to the bedroom.

" Ash?" I ask incredibly confused yet extremely grateful he was there.

" Come here," He wraps me into a large hug and I had never felt safer. " I am so sorry you had to see that. But I will never let anyone hurt you. He deserved it."

" No it's okay," I comfort him. " I just wish I could have done it myself," I state confidently while taking one last look at the dead mans body then walking out of the room waiting for Ash to follow me.

Ash POV:

I had finished discussing business when I head back out to the party to look for Lexi. " Ash the ceremony is about to begin," My father states sternly stopping me in my tracks.

" I need to find Lexi first," I respond attempting to push past him.

" No were doing this now," He says directing me towards the large table at the front of the room.

Where was she? I began to get angry as her not being here made it look very bad for our engagement although I couldn't help but wonder if she was in danger.

" This is the largest mafia in the world. We are very glad you could join us to declare my son Ash as the new boss of the serpents." My father declares proudly. " He won't let us down," He states giving me a pat on the back.

I return back to my seat when my father continues his speech. " Tonight is an excellent chance to officially announce my sons engagement. He is engaged to Alexia Duncan daughter of the boss of the Daredevils to unite our mafias as one."

Part of the crowd looks disgusted while some begin to cheer for their new boss. Chatter starts back up and I am about to go continue looking for Lexi when I suddenly get stopped again this time by none other then Bianca. Jeez I thought I got rid of this bitch.

" Ash," She says trying to be seductive. "Congratulations, why don't I give you a celebration gift, I'm sure you have an extra room around here somewhere,"

" Bianca I'm engaged," I remind her sternly.

" Since when does that matter? Plus your fiancé must not care about you that much if she couldn't even bother to attend the ceremony," She retorts.

" No Bianca and if you ask again I might just cut your tongue off," I warn her so done with her desperate attempts to get in bed with me. It was pathetic honestly.

I can't seem to find Lexi anywhere so I head up the stairs when she isn't in her bedroom I begin to get worried. Where could she be?

I start checking all the guest bedrooms and find a couple of the couples making out. What is this a college party?

I get to the last room and am automatically infuriated with the scene that is in front of me. Lexi's black gown was thrown on the floor and a man that I don't recall ever seeing before is on top of Lexi beginning to take her bra off. That is when I realize that Lexi had been drugged.

I immediately rush over and knock the man off of her. Pushing him into the wall. His head starts bleeding.

" What the fuck were you thinking?" I yell angrily as I smash him into the wall. I kept getting more and more aggressive and lost in it and filled with anger for what he was about to do to Lexi. Blood starts pooling out of his mouth and at that moment I knew he was dead.

I head to the bathroom to clean myself up hoping that Lexi would wake up soon although not wanting her to see the bloody pedophile in the corner of the room. When I walk back into the bedroom Lexi is awake and staring at the shit piece of a man with her dress back on.

" Lexi," I whisper. I engulf her in a hug and I just never want to let go. I have an urge to protect her forever. " I'm sorry you had to see that,"

" No its okay. I just wish I had done it myself," She states confidently and walks out the door.

God I loved this woman.

A/N: Heyyy so I was reading earlier chapters and I just have to say thank you so much for actually sticking around because this is my first story and I know it has a lot of issues especially in the earlier chapters. If you notice any mistakes feel free to let me know.

Word Count: 1460

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