snow And me :D

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Basically a drawing of my best (online) friend Snow4fan and me cuz I don't know where to post :)

(I don't like to take a photo/selfie in real life but I did it anyway 🙃)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I just wanted to say,yes there is no paper here (I want to buy it) but this drawing was from yesterday afternoon when I still had paper and also when I have ...

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(I don't like to take a photo/selfie in real life but I did it anyway 🙃)
I just wanted to say,yes there is no paper here (I want to buy it) but this drawing was from yesterday afternoon when I still had paper and also when I have paper again I will do the drawings don't worry :D

let me draw you (And More) :DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora