The sound of silence

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(Even though it doesn't look like it was very difficult to draw because as I'm a little Demanding when drawing it was difficult to redo more than 5 times)
I don't know which version of the song is Request by Snow4fan  is the two of us sung "the sound of silence"
Context not required to read:
I was seeing a story of YTCat123 (Another friend of mine) And as I read the name of the song in one part, I only sang the beginning of it,Soon she came and without me noticing we were already "singing" and in the end we made a "unison" :D

(Even though it doesn't look like it was very difficult to draw because as I'm a little Demanding when drawing it was difficult to redo more than 5 times)I don't know which version of the song is Request by Snow4fan  is the two of us sung "the sou...

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THE END >:v (I haven't used it in a while)

let me draw you (And More) :DOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora