Chapter VI: Six to Convince

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After thinking to herself for a long time, Adagio finally decides that she needs to try and fix things between her and Sunset's friends. At least before Sunset's birthday. But when she finds herself at a particular house, will she have the courage to push through this mission of hers or will she fail to deliver?

DISCLAIMER: This story includes references to depression, depressing thoughts, insecurities, anxiety, self-harm and thoughts based around all of these concepts. If you do not want to read a story with slight references to these, I would urge you to click off.

Hello, everyone! I just wanted to make a new chapter upload since the last time I uploaded was more than a week ago. I really hope everyone enjoys this story! My beta reader loved reading it and I had a lot of fun writing it~ I haven't proofread it myself yet, but I will at some point~ Sorry for grammar mistakes. Again, a big thank you to Mon668 for helping me make this story what it is today!


Chapter VI: Six to Convince

I suppose it's my legs that prevent me from getting closer to the house... They won't move an inch, no matter how hard I try. Or maybe it's the overwhelming smell of pets. I suppose it's not necessarily a bad smell... if you like animals. Either way, the sense of dread I feel right now is equivalent to the urge to walk away. I suppose it's always easier to run away from my problems, rather than approach them head on. I've always been like that, no matter what I do to fix it. Same old Adagio, huh? Running from those dark shadows in the deep corridors you call a mind. Trying to escape the inevitable and avoid any sort of loss... Those same old shadows chase me still, reaching out to me and trying to reign me in to the consequences of my own actions...

Taking my first step closer to the house, a heavy feeling surrounds my heart. I still remember the words this girl said during Valentine's Day... I never meant to cause such pain, but I did. I can never take it back, so the best I can do is to try and give more happiness now than the pain I dealt out back then. I had a deck to screw everyone else over in this card game of life, but sometimes you have to be fair to find happiness in this game... I've won far too many times. It's about time I lose some...

Walking closer to the house, I can't help but notice the dog bowls with multiple names written across them. One surprisingly small bowl catches my eye though as I notice the few carrots left inside it. What dog eats carrots? Well, what kind of dog likes carrots that much? A dog named Angel at that... Shaking my head, I try to ignore all the different kinds of pet care tools on the porch and birds zipping around me, knocking on the door slowly. At first, I hear a few dogs start to bark and other animals begin to rile themselves up at the sound of my knock, but they are quickly soothed down before the door's locks begin to jingle slightly. A knot forms in my throat instantly, realizing I don't know what to say to the girl behind the door. No matter what I think of, it all sounds bland and uninspired. Hey, I'm sorry for ruining your life? Nothing sounds... sincere enough, I suppose... No matter what way I spin this story, it all comes down to me in the end. I caused all of this to go in this direction and I can't undo it.

Trying my best to smile and stand in a non threatening way, I brush my hair back quickly before the door opens to a pale yellow girl, pink hair running down her face and along her slim shoulders. Her eyes remind me of a gentle stream from a creek and her gentle frame reminds me of a deer caught in headlights. In fact, that's exactly how she looks, standing right in front of me, her eyes glued onto me as her mouth gapes open for a moment. I can't quite say the reason for her shock and fear is unknown to me, but I suppose it still proves how far I have to go as a person. Stepping back from the front door to give her some space, I smile as best as I can and bow slightly to the girl. I suppose I just want to give her the respect she deserves, despite my past...

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