chapter 3 - cell mate

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As soon as we got to the prison the officers rushed to get us in our cells. All of us were scattered around different blocks for different crimes, I went to block D. Block D was filled with the armed robbery criminals and murderers.

Cages were as far as the eye could see. Row and rows of bars securing anyone unfortunate enough to be here. Soon i was going to be one of them unfortunate few.

Alex was taken to the first floor and put in with another guy, a little smaller than him but more buff. Where as I was on the second floor and concealed with another prisoner. He was about my size, had quite a tanned skin and light brown hair. He looked completely opposite to me. My eyes a grayish blue as his were deep brown. My hair pitch black, his light brown.

As I entered he looked at me with a huff. He stared at me intently, "top bunk is mine." He stated clearly. He didn't seem very happy to have a cell mate, but I wasn't complaining. I will be out soon. Very soon.

"Whatever." I Wafter my hand at him as I looked outside the bars, trying to find Alex and his new roomy. I wonder if they are getting along.

"I didn't catch your name." My cell mate started a convosation.

" 'Cause I didn't throw it." I Growled lowly as he laid back on his plank of wood they call a bed.

"Well I'm Darius." He murmured as he made a beat with his fingers on the bars.

"Good to know, Darius" I tried to mouth his name, it was quite strange to say the least.

Darius huffed and puffed so many times. Often sighing for a little bit of fun.

"Kai." I snapped impatiently, growing annoyed of his human noises. "When do we go outside?" I soon asked bored of the sight already. I needed something to do, keep me occupied, or I'm pretty sure that I'm going to rip out darius' heart and eat it in front of him.

"About 3 hours now." He replied instantly as he sensed the annoyance in my voice.

I looked around at all the inmates, how they all looked the same but at the same time completely different. I could smell their blood pumping through the vains, sense the fear of the younger convicts. Scared of their cell mate. It gave my slight pleasure, knowing that people here are capable if fear, and I can make that grow.

"Tell me Darius." I turned unexpectedly, making him jump slightly, "is there any way to venture this prison and its structure?" I asked curiously.

He licked his lips, "only way is to get a job." He answered in as little words as possible.

"How do I get one of these jobs." I retorted automatically, waiting for a response.

"Either earn it by the prison or ask J. He is the one in charge, 'prisoner' wise anyway." Darius sighed. "No point in trying though, you have no chance."

"Nonsense! I am a brilliant mastermind, I'm sure a few bone heads in a prison are easy enough to perswade." I smiled as I laid in my bed.

Darius sighed as he stood from his bed, he looked at me quite annoyed as he leaned against the bars. Crossing his arms he looked out towards the other cells. "See that cell there?" He pointed

I looked on the direction his finger pointed,  "see that guy there, with the lion tatoo?" He carried on "that's J."

"Doesn't look so tuff." I growled. I could easily beat a human, werewolf strength and all.

"Try tell that to every one else." Darius snapped back. "Just don't bring attention to yourself, our you'll get killed."

"I didn't know you cared." I put my hand over my heart sarcastically.

"Shut up, you idiot."

Short chapter but i just wanted to introduce darius. :)

Do you like him or not? xD

I'll update on Saturday with a good long chapter :)



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