chapter 4 - J

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The belled ringed as cell doors started to open, one after another convicts left their cage and wondered around the prison. Some stayed around the cells socialising while others headed outside.

I followed the group and made my way into the light. I never thought being a prisoner would be so, so enclosing and cramped. As soon as the breese hit my skin I felt a little better. With the sun at it's peak It must be around midday.

There was benches and seats around, in one corner some weight lifting equipment for us to use if wanted. Already all the places were taken by gangs.

I noticed Darius sat on a bench, as I walked over to him as he got ready to leave.

"Hey," I stopped him as I grew annoyed and irritated.

"What do you want." He snapped trying to get my hand of his arm.

"Just tell me where that 'J' is." I let go, sort of pushing him in a way. He sighed as he looked around the outside scratching the back of his head.

"He's not here, try inside at the tables. Usually he's there gambling." Darius started to walk off. "Just don't irritate him. You will regret it." He finished as he joined others at the weights.

I entered the building again. Quite dissapointed of how dull it was compared to the outside. I walked around the tables looking for that huge man with the lion tattoo. I soon spotted him with a load if convicts surrounding him, cheering and encouraging something.

I walked up to them and pushed my way to the front of the crowed. No one really bothered to stop me as they all did the same.

J was sat at the table with another con just smaller than him. Both of them had one hand behind their back and the other interlinked with the opponent. Another inmate at the other side counted down.

"3... 2... 1... Go!" His hand hit the table with a bang as the noise grew louder peie shouted for some winnings. There was a crack as J's oppenents hand hit the table, people roared and cheered as he was successful.

"Looks like no job for you." J taunted as the man tensed up in pain. "Any other one of you losers want to challange me?" He yelled as no one answered.

"I will." I stood forward towards the muscular man. I must have looked like a twig compared to him. There was a lot if laughter and sniggers as I waited for a reply.

"You?" J tried to catch his breath. "Y-you think you c-can beat me?" He was in hysterics.

"No." I answered. "I know I can." The room became silent as people waited for his reply.

"You want a job, right?" His laughter stopped. "What will I get if I win you." He demanded to know.

"How about my car when I get out." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Pfft. And what make is that, Skoda?" He laughed as his fellow prisoners joined in.

"Nah. It's only a Lamborghini" I folded my arms. "I'm not that hard core." I stated sarcastically.

"Alright then." his face became more determined. We both sat at the table. "Just be prepared to loose that lambo of yours." He smiled as he placed one hand behind his back. I did the same as out free hand joined with the others.

The man started to count down, I couldn't stop myself from smiling, if only he knew my power he wouldn't think twice about this match. There was a bang on the table as the man yelled go, I pushed my hand towards his with such quick reactions. His hand hit the table only a second into the game.

Everyone looked so shocked it brought a smile to my face. I stood to leave the circle when I wslas stopped by J.

"I want a rematch." He damnded.

"Whatever the queen desires." I smiled in return as I sat back in the seat. The countdown went down again. The same noise sounded through the table and the round was off. I didn't try to beat him this time, I gave him 10 seconds before I looked up and smiled.

"Oh. I didn't know we has started." I smirked as his hand soon to be on the table. I stopped as there was a few centimetres between his knuckles and the metal, "finish him!" I stated with a smirk as his hand hit the table so hard a don't was left in place.

I stood to leave. "I'll be expecting a job, J. I hope you don't cross me." I walked away leaving people frozen with surprise.

As the bell rang and I returned to my cell. My plan was in action, this is going just the way I planned.

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