chapter two - transport problems

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I was secured into a bug yellow prison bus. Prisoners around all in yellow jumpsuits, as was I. I huffed as it was taking ages for the driver to set of, his little blue uniform, his hat just being able to fit on his head. I wouldn't mind tearing his throat out just for the fun of it.

After 10 minutes of daydreaming 47 ways to kill the bus driver, we finally set off. I almost sang with joy when the engine started with a giant racket. We was finally on the move.

We soon left the city and more into the peaceful areas of the country, this hunters ridge prison is further than I expected. Some of the inmates whispered among rachother the but majority remained quiet, too scared to make a sound.

"So why are you here?" I turned to the prisoner next to me. He looked at me a little shocked and scared as I waited for a response. "You a mute or somthing?" I then asked, he shook his head unsurly.

"I killed a guy." He murmured under his breath just loud enough for me to hear. I raised an eyebrow at him, how could such a small human kill someone? He must only be about 5foot 9, if that. Definatly not strong, and his hair styled so neatly.

"Seriously?" I questioned him further

"Yes, they angered me." He almost whispered again. He was so quiet and small. How can this be? I nodded to encourage him on.

"They beat me up... and my partner," he pointed to his black eye " all because we are gay..." He sighed with a tear pricking in his eye. I too sighed leaning back. Humans are so petty these days.

"I'd kill him too." I nudged him with my elbow as I gave him a quick smile. He returned the favour before looking out the window.

"So what's your name?" I asked. It took a while for him to figure out if he wanted to answer me or not.

"Alex." His voice broke a little. He must be around 19 be the looks of him.

"Well, its nice to meet you Alex, I'm Kai." I grinned as I tried to hold out my hand for a polite shake. The chains stopped me. Alex chuckled quietly as we resumed the ride to our mansion.

"Oh sh- no." The driver blurted out, just managing to swade himself from swearing. One of the guards ashwhat what was wrong but was sure to be quiet about it. I could barley hear what they were saying, but I could just make it out. I let out a little grunt as we came to a stop.

"The engines dead." I turned to alex. He looked at me a little confused.

"What- how do you know?" He asked curiously. I smiled as I turned to him.

"Magic!" I stated moving my hands in a sparkley way. I got a weird glare from him

"Alright convicts. The engines down. Be on best behaviours while we fix things." The officer demanded as he exited the bus.

"Abra kadabra!" I smiled at alex who's jaw was almost on the ground.

"No way you could have guessed that" he shook his head. "How did you know? Did you do it?" Questions came out of his mouth faster than he could breath.

"Lucky guess." I shrugged "I'm good with cars and that." I turned away, looking out the front window smoke made it's way out of the engine.

"Is that supposed to happen?" One of the convicts turned to his friend, he got a shrug in reply.

"The water has probably leaked. Or the engines going to blow. 50 50 chance," I smiled turning to gave them. The looked at me weirdly, which is obviously not the first time I received them looks.

Time moved on pretty slowley, 1 minute felt like an hour. An hour felt like a day. People kept sighing and grunting. Some yelling the engineer to hurry up. Probably the only time people actually want to get to the prison.

About an hour passed by when the officer came in, a little worry on his face. "Alright you cons. Get off you asses and out if this bus before you explode with it." He shouted at the top of his voice, rushing us to get off our seats. We soon all filed outside into the scorching sun.

The bus soon started burning, crackling noises started deep with in the engine. Someone definatly tampered with the bus, to get rid of us, or one of us at least. Maybe it was me? Maybe the tall muscular dude with the French mustache, heck, even one of the guards.

After a few seconds of fire the bus was totalled. Scraps of metal came close to hitting us, some scratching skin of the inmates.

"Don't worry, keep calm." The driver obviously panicked. We all signed in sync as he began to speak again. "Another bus is already on its way. Please stay were you are... Don't move.. Erm... And, whatever," he finished as he wafted his hands in anger.

There was a lot of fuss and moaning as the sun roasted us like lambs on a fire, the stench of sweat filled the air and we were all crowded from the chains... Actually, that sounds quite nice, lamb is delicious. After 3 hours, another bus finally became visible.

Everyone signed in relief in sync, even the officers as the bus came closer and closer. It wasn't long before we were back on the road to my final destination.

I have never missed air con so much in my life.

Update!!! Woo. I have decided that updates with be every 3-5 days. Mainly on Saturdays and Tuesdays :) buy as often as I can :)

The other chapter has had two votes and 16 reads so far. Way more than what I got on my last 5 books. I guess you guys are just into psychopaths?

Well kai was quite calm in this chapter. But just wait until chapter 7-10, it will be fun!
*evil laugh*

So, I hoped you likes :) cyaaa


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