Encounter III: Safe and Sound {Old}

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I most definitely had many questions, but I really do not feel like asking any currently. I almost died! And I never expected that giant robots would be saving my life!

Snapping back into reality, I noticed that I was still in Bumblebee's hand. ..And all of the other bots were surrounding me. I gulped and adjusted my glasses, still a little afraid. Bumblebee let out a couple of buzzing noises, looking at the bulky green bot. "You've seen her before? Since when?!" the green robot exclaimed. "..Pardon?" I questioned as I looked up at Bee. He's seen me before? And how would I notice a giant alien-robot? Bumblebee carefully put me down and stepped back, suddenly transforming like the enemy bots did. He transformed into a black and yellow Urbana.. "Wait a minute- You're Raphael's car?!" Adjusting my glasses again, I was stunned. Does Raphael even know about this?! Bumblebee buzzed again, turning back into his full form and crouching down for me.

A blue female bot approached us, looking over to Bee and the green robot. "Seems the two of them are study buddies?" She placed a hand on her hip, smiling a little. Bumblebee buzzed happily at her. It would seem that Bumblebee and Raphael know eachother. Wait.. Maybe that's why he hesitated on offering me for that ride! My thoughts were interrupted when the bulky robot spoke. "Does this mean we're keeping another human?" He scratched his neck, looking over at the other two. I nearly got startled when I heard a deep voice coming from behind all of us. "It would seem that it would be our best option, as the Decepticons would likely see her as a target."

When I looked back, that deep voice came from the tallest bot here. Gee, my neck hurts from looking up at them for a long while. He kneeled down to me, though I stiffened and stepped back. "We mean no harm to you, human. I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. And we remain on your planet to protect man-kind from the Decepticons." I looked up at Optimus' bright blue eyes, feeling a little more.. safer. "Each human on Earth is at risk from the Decepticons, but because of recently, they would see you as our ally, and put you at risk of getting harmed." That sentence alone sent shivers down my spine. Knowing how they already planned on hurting me not so long ago, I can't even imagine how much worse it could have been.. "..Alright then.. If I have to come along with you Autobots, then I shall. ..For my safety." I dipped my head and bowed in respect. Optimus stood up and backed away from where I was standing. "Ratchet, requesting an emergency Ground-bridge at our coordinates."

Around 2.57 seconds later, a giant portal-like hole appeared infront of us. "Good grief.. Hopefully I have enough paper for notes." I fixed my glasses and stared at the beautiful colors coming from the portal. Bumblebee knelt down and placed a hand on the ground infront of me, my hypothesis is that he wants me to get on his hand. I hesitated for a second, but stepped onto his giant hand. He carefully lifted me up and walked towards the Ground bridge with the other Autobots. Bumblebee buzzed something, but thankfully the two other bots translated for me. "Seems we forgot to introduce ourselves.. Name's Bulkhead!" The green Autobot chuckled, pounding his chest. I smiled a little, later looking over to the female bot. "Arcee. ..Glad that another lady's joining us." She smiled, crossing her arms. I giggled from the comment, sitting down on Bumblebee's servo. "Just wait till ya meet the other kids- You'll love my best buddy, Miko!" Bulkhead said to me. "I think you and Jack would be just fine together." Arcee smiled. "..You guys have humans as your allies?" I questioned the three of them. "Yep! Only difference is that you didn't encounter us the same day they did-" Bulkhead answered.

The four of us walked through the colorful portal, I will admit, it looked beautiful, yet it made me feel sick walking through it. I'm just curious on where we are going-

"..Wait- What's Ratchet going to think about another human joining us?"
"Oh. ..Scrap."

Who's Ratchet?

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