Encounter IV: Guardian {Old}

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"Ratchet, requesting an emergency Ground-bridge at our coordinates." Ratchet immediately opened the Ground-bridge for the Autobots. "We must have an Autobot down.. But everyone's energon readings are.. fine?" The medic said to himself, his optics focusing on the Ground-bridge.

One by one, the bots appeared through the colorful portal, no signs of injuries. "Con's were too chicken to continue the fight, though.. uhm.-" Bulkhead struggled to explain to Ratchet about what the emergency was about. The medic only raised a optic-brow, wondering why the 3 Autobots were acting so strange. "..Well? What happened out there?" Ratchet placed his servos on his hips, waiting for a response. Arcee and Bulkhead looked behind to Bumblebee who approached. Arcee finally broke the silence, "Let's just say.. we brought home something else besides what we were assigned to bring."

The young scout opened his chassis, leaving the orange medic more puzzled. "..I'll have you know that I still am not amused by your humo- BY THE ALLSPARK-" Ratchet jumped back, practically stumbling backwards.


"Told you he's not fond with your kind." Arcee looked over to me, placing a servo on her hip. Bumblebee grabbed me and lifted me out of his chest, and good grieF IT'S DARK IN THERE- Bee held me out towards Ratchet, buzzing noises were coming out of him. My hypothesis would be that he's trying to explain to this.. medic about what happened. I didn't want to scare the large bot, so I simply gave an awkward smile at him.

"You made contact with another human?! Let alone a child?! As if three weren't enough!" The medic complained loudly. Good grief.. this "Ratchet" bot really despises humankind. Human children aswell. Well.. I do not blame him, young children can be such a hassle.
"W-we didn't even know she was there until those bucket-heads were attacking her!" Bulkhead exclaimed. "Plus, Optimus decided that we would have her join Team Prime!" He added. "-Oh, joy." Ratchet rolled his optics, facepalming. ..I haven't seen anyone so disappointed on seeing me besides my own family.
Thoughts were interrupted as I heard footsteps approach us, all of us turned our heads to where the noise was. In which to our surprise, was Optimus.

"The Decepticons recent activities have been causing enough harm to Earth, though because of being in contact with another human civilian, the Decepticons will have intentions on targeting them." He looked down at me, then returned his gaze at everyone else. "Just like the other children, we will be keeping Sage safe from harm, and guard her from the Decepticons." I felt a little happy knowing that these Autobots are willing to protect me and such. ..Something my mother couldn't do.
"Though Optimus.." Arcee approached the leader, looking up at him. "Will Sage have a guardian to protect her? She did almost get killed out there." She looked back at me, and so did Prime. Optimus took a good look at the Autobots, until his optics landed on someone behind us.

"..Ratchet, you will accompany Sage and protect her."


"Good grief.." Both Ratchet and I mumbled in unison, glancing over at eachother.


Bulkhead was sharing stories with me about some adventures he had before I had encounter them. I was sitting on his shoulder, ..which was probably not a good idea for me, because of my acrophobia. Though while listening to the Wrecker, I could still hear the conversation Ratchet and Optimus were having. And it would seem that their conversation was about me.

"With all due respect Optimus, I'm not a good choice for the child! You know I can barely handle the other children by myse-" Ratchet was interrupted by Optimus. "Old friend, this is not a suggestion, but rather an order." He looked deeply into Ratchet's optics, the medic could only look down. "..Yes sir." Optimus placed a servo on Ratchet's shoulder. "I know that you are capable of being a guardian, I have seen how you take care of those who are in need." Prime's optics softened.

"..Ratch and you will get along just fine, trust me. Ya seem like a smart kid anyways!" Bulkhead chuckled, causing me to look back at him. "I hope so.. I do not know how to gain a friend either way." I simply looked down at my hands on my lap, worried about how these Autobots would think about me. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard honking from nearby. Everyone looked over to the vehicle approaching, in which seemed to be Bumblebee.

The car doors opened, and three humans exited the vehicle. So they must be under the protection of the Autobots too..

..My hypothesis is that.. Well- It seems that I have no hypothesis.

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