Mentor and Apprentice {Old}

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"Bulkhead!! You were here the whole time and didn't bother to pick me up?!" The Asian girl crossed her arms, pouting angrily. "Erm- Sorry Miko.. We sorta- ..Got into a situation-" Bulkhead looked over to where I was, causing the other kids to look over to me.

I recognized two people I have seen at school before. They both seemed to be shocked and excited to meet me though.
"Could that be..?"
"No way!!"
The two humans ran to where I was. I emerged from my hiding spot and approached the two. "Sage Wilde?? How'd you-" the tall boy was cut off when a Asian black and pink-haired girl shoved him out of the way. "Sage Wilde?! You're the new girl joining Team Prime?!" She exclaimed with such excitement. "..It would seem so. I believe you two are Jack and Miko, correct?" I tilted my head, adjusting my glasses. "Corre-" Miko interrupted Jack speaking again, her excitement just couldn't wait, could it? "You know my name?! I must be dreaming!!" She had a wide and bright smile on her face. "You know the kid?" Bulkhead approached us, slightly kneeling down. "Dude! This is the Sage Wilde we're talking about!! Richest and smartest girl in Manhattan!!" Miko replied loudly. "She's crazy famous back in Manhattan, and everyone else pretty much knows her anywhere." Jack added, crossing his arms and smiling.

"Welcome to Team Prime, Wilde!" Miko placed an arm on my shoulder, pulling me closer. "Man, do I have SO many things to tell you!! Well- We had only met the bots 2 weeks ago.-" Miko mumbled the last part. "Though before I start.." Miko pulled out a small notebook and a pen, handing it to me. "..Can I get an autograph?" She smiled brightly at me. I simply sighed and signed her notebook, adding a small doodle aswell. Miko squealed in excitement. "You're the best, dude!!" She hugged me tightly and lifted me up, nearly crushing my ribs. "eP yIP YIP- I'll have you know that I'm not fond with huGS-" I tried pushing her away from me, trying to breathe. "Whoopsie! Sorry- I'm just so happy that you're joining us!!" She let go of me, giggling. I fixed my clothes and adjusted my glasses. My hypothesis is that Miko and I will get along splendidly- ..Probably not.


"Soooo.. How'd you meet the bots?? I bet it was super cool!!" Miko smiled widely as we were sitting on the couch there, unable to contain her excitement. "Well- ..If you count near death experience as 'cool', that's pretty much how it went." I looked to the side, still a little traumatized. "Oh boy- We all get that here! But trust me, the Autobots will come bustin' in like super heroes on TV!!" She giggled, making a dramatic heroic pose. "Heh- that reminds me.. Did Optimus assign you a guardian?? Wait- Don't tell me! It's Bumblebee!! Oo, OOH! Even better- It's Optimus Prime himself!!"
"Calm down, Miko. You know, I am trying to do my experiments in peace!" The grumpy medic complained, looking over at us. Miko simply rolled her eyes. "Just imagine if he was your guardian-" She giggled. I looked over to where Ratchet, my "guardian", was at. "..About that." I looked back at Miko and awkwardly smiled.

"..You're kidding-"
"I wish she were, too." Ratchet had walked over to where we were. Miko looked at both of us, ..not like I know what was going on in her energetic mind. "Now that I think of it.. It makes total sense! You two will get along perfectly!!" She exclaimed. ..Ratchet and I simply looked at eachother for approximately 2.36 seconds, looking back at Miko. "..And how exactly?" I adjusted my glasses, tilting my head. "Dude!! You both are CRAZY smart and are super nerdy!" To be honest, I expected that kind of response. "Pfft- Puh-lease. As if a small human child could know such highly advanced things!" The medic crossed his arms, looking to the side. "Really? Then could she answer this?" Miko pulled out her homework and showed us both a math equation. Ratchet leaned foward to get a better look at the paper. "..Is this really the hardest equation you're learning? It's clearly-" I interrupted my guardian by answering the equation in only 1.09 seconds. "x^2-2x-3." Both of them looked at me with their eyes widened, impressed by how quickly I solved it. "..Oh please. This is factoring we're talking about." I adjusted my glasses and crossed my arms. "Told ya, DocBot! You two are perfect for eachother!!" Miko smiled brightly and walked away, going to where Bulkhead was at.

In all honesty, ..It was pretty awkward while Ratchet and I were alone with eachother. "..Well if you're going to be this new.. 'bodyguard' of mine, we might aswell get to know eachother." I moved closer to where Ratchet was, raising my hand up as an attempt to shake hands. "I am Sage Wilde, a very well-known human in Manhattan. I carry my name in pride-" I smiled a little, ..sort of lying from the last part. Ratchet simply rolled his eyes and groaned quietly, extending his hand out to me and used his index finger to let me shake hands. "..Ratchet. Field Medic and scientist. ..From Cybertron." I let out a small giggle, letting go of his finger. "..Seeing with how Miko tested us with that equation, I believe our minds will make us great partn-"
"I do not plan on having a partner in the lab, I'm doing just fine without one, thank you." Ratchet turned away and headed towards his laboratory. Despite the harsh reply, I still followed. "..But I'd still like to help! And perhaps.. learn about Cybertronian biology?" That last part seemed to have caught his attention. I didn't believe it either, a human wanting to learn about an advanced robotic organism species' science? I didn't care, I still want to learn something different for once. Ratchet sighed heavily and placed his hand near where I was, insisting me on getting on. I was a bit confused at first, but got on either way. He carefully lifted me up and placed me on his shoulder. Man, I can feel my acrophobia acting up. It's even more worse, since Ratchet seems to be taller than Bumblebee- "If you want to learn about Cybertronian science, you might aswell watch a master at work." I saw him smile for only a millisecond before going back to work.

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