Chapter 18: A Fleeting Female Prince

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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N)'s House

Sunday, Morning

For the day, I decided to scroll through social media and... not going to lie, I was disgusted with the people on the Internet who ship anime, cartoon and video games characters from any franchise, you name it.

What they did is they ship two characters not caring about whether they're siblings, underage like still on elementary school or kindergarten and shipping girls with other girls or boys with other boys.

(Y/N): Dang. Can't people just live for a moment without shipping the characters that's obviously best friends or rivals? It disgusts me.

Then, I saw the most cursed things that makes me wanting to plug my eyeballs out. So, I ended up closing my phone and head outside.

(Y/N): Ahaha, yeah. That's enough Internet for today.

The weird thing is I'm not jealous at all when the band girls got shipped with each other by their fanbase on the Internet. Probably it's because of me who's now their boyfriend and I'll prevent that from happening.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) watching Chibi Kaoru being fleeting.

Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Morning

For the day, I head to the city and the place seems to be lively as usual. But then, I saw Hello, Happy World! entertaining kids at the park.

Kokoro: Happy!

Hagumi: Lucky!

Kaoru: Smile!

Hello, Happy World!: Yay!

I guess that Hello, Happy World! fans are mostly kids because of how colorful and friendly they are. I just looked at them cheering up kids as a little boy came to me and ask.

Then, Kaoru does a charming expression as the fan girls screamed.

Fangirls: Kaoru-sama!~

I guess that the band is also for fan girls just because they want to see Kaoru. Suddenly, a kid went to me and ask.

Little Boy: Onii-chan, do you like Hello, Happy World! as well?

(Y/N): Yeah! Of course I do. They spread happiness through the world. The best I can do is to support them.

Little Boy: I love them too! Especially Michelle!

(Y/N): Umm... hey, kid. Do you know that there's someone else inside of Michelle?

Little Boy: What are you talking about, Onii-chan? Michelle is Michelle!

I got a sweat beside my forehead.

(Y/N): What did you told them about Misaki, Kokoro?

Little Boy: What's wrong?

(Y/N): Ahaha, it's nothing. You should watch them right now. You don't want to miss anything.

Little Boy: Yeah!

I pat his head as he smiled and went to join the others. I stood there, watching the band perform.

Kokoro: Everyone! Are you ready to smile with us?

They begin their performance and it's as happy as usual. I'm so happy that band girls like them exist and I don't really mind if they were to be a yandere to me.

Their performance is finally over and people start leaving them. But then, Kaoru glance her eyes at me as she walk pass through the crowd.

Kaoru: Ah, we meet again.

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