reconcile and present for mom and dad

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Knock knock knock
I came to my dad's room ,his workspace
Bring his favorite cofee


"eoh, what's thing?"
He ask me flate voice

"i just want to talk something dad"
I've plane to tell him about my condition and asked him to fix his relation with mom
He left his laptop and walk to sit on couch infront of me

"here your coffee dad"

"eoh thank you jeongyeon ah" he ship his coffe and asked me

"something happen at shcool?"
I did not remember when the last time i talk to my dad like this, but actually i miss him to much

"no dad, everything good at school"

"taekwondo club?"

"it's ok, and i've got gold medal in last tounament"

"eoohh, your mom told to me about that, congratulation jeong, sorry i'm so late"
"eoohh you can ask present for it,you want somerhing"

Wahhhh...i happy crazy inside

"can i?"

"of course"

"up to me?i free to ask everything"

"hmmm" he said that when he ship his coffe again

In my brain"what happen to him, why he be so kind tonight"

"but. i have something to ask too from you"

"eoohh, what dad"

"you talk first"

"hmm dad, are you still love mom?"

My quation make he speechless and in some seconds he put off her cup and lean on couch

"why you asking about it?"

"i just want mom and you live happyly like i'm still kid, love each other, soft, care, talk sweet and live in peace"

He smile and then looking down

"hhhhh....i'm bad dad, bad husband, i'm sorry about that jeongiie"

He call my childname make my tears rooling down but as fast as i swipe it

"ani...i know you are best dad, best husband, you just need back to be your self dad"

I look at him and i cry
He look at me deeply

"i'm sorry kids, i'll try"
He said shortly

"my problem take me down and world change me to be bad person, but your mom make me take back step, make me think twice when i almost ruin my self our life"

Its my firts time he talk his feeling after so long

"i'm sorry dad, i just hate you without know about your burden because of me, our famaly"

I looking down and cry in silent
He come beside me and bring me in his hug

"i'm sorry jeongie, i did bad thing for you, i hit you, talk harrash to you and your mom, plese give me change to fix our family"

I cry hard and in my though its not to hard, my fortune.

He let off his hug and i sit properly

"dad, i have something for you"
I give box of couple ring to him, he open it and look at me

"i see no rings in your finger. I buy it for mom and you dad, i hope it can be start for our new future dad, please reconcile your weeding with mom"
I look at his eyes hopefull and he smile to me

"thank you my jeongiee, i'm sorry and i miss you"he said when he hug me

"thank you so much dad, i miss you so much and i love you,and i'm so sorry dad i'm sorry"i hug him tightly

Then he bring his body away from me to look at me

"why you said like that, why you say sorry too much jeongie"he asked with curious and worry face, i think his instinck is back

I wipe my tears and sit up
"dad, i come here to ask you and mom back live together happyly, because i dont want mom life lonely and you too

"what you mean, i dont understand jeongiie"

"dad, i'm so sorry, maybe i can't stay by your side longer, i hope you and mom care and love each others after i leave"

"where you go?tell me clearly kids, dont make me afraid"he sit face me

"i just have less than 4 mounts dad, i've brain cancer, i just have 4 % change to live"

He is like statue now, no sound just pale face

"i'm so sorry dad"

He hug me tighly
"gwencana, dad will find best doctor best hospital in the world for you. Gwencana jeongie gwencana"

"i did it dad, all of them say same thing. Just 4% and 4 mounts, i realy sorry dad"
He let of his hug from me and kneel on the floor, he put her head on my knee

"why must you my kids, why you"he cry pitifull and keep like this in 10 minutes
I just put my head on him

"i'm sorry dad, i'm sorry, but live must go on, lets make best moments for us"
My word make he back to his sense, he look up to my face
I swipe his tears and i said my list

"dad, can we go to camp? And i want spend 24 hours full with you and mom, i want sleep in mom and dad huging"

"take all my time jeongie"

" have to go to work, collect much money for our holiday"i said playfull to cheer his up

" are right. But lets have fun as much as we can do, i will work better and go home earlier"

"ok dad, thank you, i'm happy for it, but firstly, do it"
I poit to box of rings

"eeoohh...ofcours i will it tonight"

"hmm..about your condition, i can help tell to mom"

"thank you dad, too hard for to tell her"

"i know that, believe me, i'll handle it for you"
"hmm lets go to hospital tomorrow"

"no need dad, i just have to there next week for control, if you want you can come with me"

"i will jeongiee"
He hug me back and kiss my forehead
"i'm sorry and i love you myheart"

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