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Midnight Rose by Elayiah

Chapter One:


After a few awkward hours with the two boys, and the getting to know each other phase, we were all comfortable with one another

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After a few awkward hours with the two boys, and the getting to know each other phase, we were all comfortable with one another.

"Can I have some more frogs? I need to get Agrippa." Ron asked, not even waiting for an answer before he grabbed another chocolate frog.

Earlier before I watched as Harry bought the whole lot from the trolley. I wondered if the starving kids farther back wanted some food too.

"So, Ron, tell us about your family," Essi asked.

I turned to her, whispering, "Essi, what the hell?"

She gave me a sly look and wiggled her eyebrows, "Tell you later."

"Yeah! Fred and George taught me a spell to turn Scabbers yellow! Wanna see?" Ron asked.

Harry was nodding excitedly while Essi and I gave each other a weary look. I guess he didn't understand Essi's question.

Thankfully before he could do anything with his beaten-up wand, a small boy barged into the room. He was teary-eyed and scared.

"Sorry," He mumbled out, "but have you seen a toad anywhere?"

"Sorry, no," Harry said.

"I've lost him! He keeps getting away from me!" The boy wailed.

"I'm sure he'll turn up," I claimed, smiling at him.

"Yeah..." He sighed, "Well if you see him."

When the boy walked off, Ron turned to us with a grimace.

"Don't know why he's so bothered," He said, "If I'd brought a toad I would lose it as quickly as I could. Mind you, I brought scabbers."

Ron was about to turn back when the door was opened once again to our compartment, he groaned.

Standing in the door was the same boy, but this time accompanied by a girl with bushy hair.

"Have you seen a toad? Neville's lost his." The bossy girl asked, looking at us skeptically.

"We already told him no," Ron argued, lifting his wand once again.

The girl sat herself down by Essi, and turned to the boys, "Oh? Doing magic? Let's see then."

I glanced up at the boy, awkwardly standing there in the entrance. Standing up, I walked over to him and led him out of the compartment, closing the door.

"Neville, was it?" I asked

He nodded, "Yeah, Neville Longbottom mam."

I smiled at him and stuck out my hand, "(Y.n) Chrysalis. Nice to meet you."

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