"I know everyone's back story...time to turn it upside down and change them."
There's a new debate on the heels of the push to rename U.S. military bases named after confederate leaders -- Should a U.S. aircraft carrier named after a U.S. senator wh...
I told the news, well you can expect Enterprise' reaction. There was an emergency meeting, but I didn't attend it, the reason was to use the title that I earned. If I wanted to finish recon missions and the like while doing stealth, then that would make me a "Ghost Fighter" or something at the least, I took off while they were still in there, there was no backup, no extra planes, just me, and my F-18, which now I loaded with 3 fuel tanks, 6 Sidewinders, and 2 AMRAAM's, I didn't place 5 fuel tanks because the maneuver ability sucked if I did so.
Stennis: I know I'm supposedly a ghost like Long Island, but this isn't what it really means. Besides, I brought an IEWS and Railgun if I needed to.
Yeah, the F-18 I had was capable of doing that, I flew for a few minutes, I ran out of spare fuel so I dropped the tanks, speed was 750, 16000 feet. I lowered the IEWS and dove down until I was at 4729 feet, I spotted the fleet of aircraft that were supposed to bomb the base, and I went down to intercept. I did an intercept tactic that I learned, I dove down, took out 1 or 2 bombers with enough time, and brought the aircraft back up.
Stennis: This is fine, besides, I'm not wasting time today.
After that I saw an ironblood fleet heading towards another faction, some people there knew me, but others didn't, thinking it was just a story.
Stennis: Ah, listening to the soft music of...
He fires the entire load of the cannon, turned on the IEWS, and fired the Mavericks that he changed the Sidewinders and AMRAAM's for.
???: What was that?!
Stennis: It was me, haha!
I really wanted to go and help, but I remembered I was a ghost, so I only appeared at random points, they surely got shit scared and retreated. To finish off my ghost title, I flew out of there and was not detected at all.
I safely returned to port, without anyone knowing, that was until some ships spotted me and saw the title on my tail that was flashing on a screen equipped in it.
"USS John C. Stennis, 'Ghost Fighter'"
I looked down at them, I only identified Cleveland and Laffey, no one else in particular, I land my plane, or the F-18 in fact, on the runway and directly hit the wires, yes it was a good landing.
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(This is how it looked like)
The planes went up on the flight deck and whoever were down there were amazed and went to my carrier almost immediately. While doing so, I went to the nuclear reactor or the engine room to see how my thing was going, and yes it was still fine. I went out and back into the flight deck, seems like one of them wanted to try my J-31.
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