[Speacial One-Shot🎊🎊] Valt Aoi x Shasa Guten (Surprised Birthday)

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Hello, readers. I make the one-shot for our wonder boy's birthday, Valt Aoi!!

Valt: Aww, thank you, Shira-san ^w^

Me: You're welcome!!

Valt: I can't wait to confess my feeling to Shasa.

Me: *giggled* Yeah, you will Valt.

Hope you enjoy!!!


(Normal POV)

Today is Valt's birthday! Every bladers in BC Sol were having a party at the cafetaria. Valt was training at the forest with Free while the others make some foods, decorating and invited someone from the other country.

Meanwhile Shasa, she was at her dorm with her sister, Ichika and Kris to dress her up for surprised party. Shasa had a crush on Valt and they want to surprised to Valt.

After they decorating, team Victory invited Shu, Fubuki, Aiger, (Name) and Valt's twin sibling to celebrate his birthday.
(Valt POV)

After I training with Free, me and him want to go back to BC Sol to get a rest and I had no idea what's their planning today.

"Hey, Free. Do you had an idea why're they doing right now?" I asked to him while we walked to BC Sol. Free look at me and smiled softly.

"I don't know, Valt. Probably they make something special. Also, do you had a crush on Shasa?" Free asked with the smirked. I blushed at her name.

"Y-Yeah, I do. But I'm afraid if she'll reject me." I look down with the sadness face. Free patted my back.

"Hey, don't worry about that. I'm sure Shasa will accept your feeling. Let's go now." I smiled and nodded. We walked again and I want to know what're they doing right now.
At BC Sol

(Shasa POV)

After my sister, Ichika and Kris dressed me, I look at the mirror..so beautiful and my dress colour is light blue like the sky with star patterns. I'm ready to confess to Valt and surprise him, also I do had a crush on him and I hope he will accept my feeling.

"Wow, sis. You look so beautiful!" Honey said with the sparkles eyes. Ichika nodded agreement.

"Yeah, you will become Valt's princess~" Kris teased me as I blushed.

"S-Shut up." The girls giggled.

"Alright, let's go. The party is getting start." Kris said as we went out of my room.

"Hey, what if Valt know about the party."

"Don't worry, Free helped us to get Valt's attention while we make a party." Kris smiled as we walked to the cafetaria.

As we went there, the party is already decorated. Valt's twin also came with the beybread and so do his best friend from Raging Bull. Team Victory came either.

"Alright, everyone! Let's hide because Valt was on their way to came here." Kris said as they nodded. Everyone then hided and get ready to surprise for him.
With Valt and Free

(Normal POV)

"Hey, Free. Why're you closed my eyes?" Valt asked while Free wore him a blindfold. Free grinned as he took his hand and went to the cafetaria.

"It's nothing. You'll surprised, I promise."

"Ok." Then, they were now at inside of BC Sol and almost to get inside of the cafetaria. As they arrived, Free let him inside all alone as Free went in the cafetaria is dark because they closed the window and lamps.

Valt was confused as he open the blindfold, he saw the dark place. He almost got scared. Just then, he open the lamp and..............the confetties came out with the party whistle.


Valt stared at it shocked and he almost forgot that it was Valt's birthday. He smiled at them.

"You guys, thank you so much!!" They smiled as Toko and Nika handed a blueberry cake with the tittle of the legend blader on the top with Happy Birthday Valt too.

"Blow the candles, big bro!" Toko and Nika said. Valt then blowed the candles as everyone clapped their hands.

"Congrats, Valt!"

"Happy birthday!"

Then, his bff, Shu Kurenai came to Valt and give him a small gift to Valt.

"Here, Valt. Happy birthday." Shu smiled and gave it to him. Valt take it and smiled at Shu.

"Thanks, Shu." They bumped fist. Then, everyone suddenly smirked because it's Shasa turned to confess her feeling to Valt. Shasa then walked to him with the soft smiled. Valt look at her and blushed. Shu grinned evilly. He know that Valt had a crush on Shasa.

"H-Hey, Valt. Happy birthday." Shasa said with the shy look. Valt smiled at her.

"Thanks, Shasa." 

"Also, there something that I want yo tell you." Valt look at her with the tilt head.

"What is it?" Without thinking......Shasa kissed Valt on the lips. Valt shocked as he kiss her back. Everyone applaused at the bluenettes couple. She let go from the lips and said...........

"Valt Aoi.....I love you." Shasa confessed. Valt eyes widened and smiled as he hug her with the happy look.

"Shasa...I love you too!" Valt confessed as Shasa smiled and hug him back.

"YESSS!! MY SHIP HAD SAILED!!!" Kris, Honey, Ichika, (Name) shouted like a fangirls. Shu smiled at them. Aiger smirked as he take a picture of them quitely. Valt and Shasa are now couple in BC Sol while the girls fangirling at them.

Done!! So Valt, what do you think?

Valt: That was amazing, Shira!! *sparkles eyes*

Me: Thank you and Shasa asked you to go on the date.

Valt: Oh yeah, I better go now. See ya!! *run away*

Me: *giggled* Oh my, oh my. Ok that's all.


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