Chapter 26

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Borutos pov

"You have nothing, you are empty"

"And more than anything, you loathe your empty self."

"You deny your own worth."

"There is a hole in your heart."

"Nothing you gain will ever fill it."

"It'll just spill right out of that hole."

"That is precisely why I bestowed the Karma upon you."

"Because it is the one and only thing that can fill your punctured heart."

"It's a special mark."

"AH!" I screamed opening my eyes.

It was a nightmare... where am I, it's so soft and warm....

"Boruto, thank goodness!" Sarada said.


Sarada had rested my head on her lap when I was knocked out.... damn, I don't wanna move from this spot, it's so comfortable.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Don't worry, this place is safe, for now at least."

I looked at the person who responded to my question.

"Amado." I said.


"What just happened, explain!"

I turn to my right to see who was screaming. It was Shikamaru, It seems like Ms.Ino or someone from the Yamanaka clan is talking to him through mind transfer.

"Damn it, understood, keep me posted." Shikamaru said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Isshiki showed up to Konoha to find you, Lord Hokage and Uchiha Sasukenare battling him as we speak." Amado replied. "It seems you haven't noticed yet but, look at your left hand."

I raised my left hand to see what he's talking about...


"My Karma, it's gone!?" I yelled.

"Isshiki resurrected through Jigens Karma, and once resurrection occurs, all other Karmas get deleted." Amado explained.

"You're finally free now." Shikamaru added on.

"He's coming after me to implant another Karma on me, I'm not free." I replied.

"We're not letting him get his way, that's why Naruto and Sasuke are going all out against him, let's not lose hope now." Shikamaru said

"They're fighting a monster worse than Jigen though." I said.

"You're right, but he'll die within a few days, Isshiki would not be able to escape death." Amado said. "So if we can avoid him implanting you with another Karma before his life runs out, we win."

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