Chapter 3

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The next day in school, Mei hurried through the halls, rushing over to her four BFFs as the girls and Tyler strolled to their next class.

"Here!" She sprung on them, holding out the four burnt copies of Four Town's new album. The four of them just gushed in awe, their eyes sparkling in amazement as they each plucked a copy off of her.

"I will cherish this with my life!" Abby sang (more so yelled)

"Oh my holy God," Miriam added in, hugging her case like it was her one and only child.

"Sweet," Priya said, nodding respectfully at Mei.

"It's cool... I guess,"

The four of them turned their eyes to Tyler's unimpressed expression.

"I mean... is it, kinda stealing...?"

The girls' mouths dropped open.

"What? NO." Mei said quickly, laughing uncomfortable at the question, "There were no other albums in stock... we'd have to wait a whole WEEK for them to have them up again."

Tyler didn't mean to sound so self-righteous, but he felt a niggling guilt in his chest. He smiled awkwardly and just gripped his CD case as he dropped his hand down, before gulping and just giving the CD back to Mei.

"I can wait."

He began to hurry off to his next class, and his heart was beating fast as he had gone against the wishes of the girl he liked.

Mei's eyes only fell open in shock, and her three BFFs looked guilty as Miriam said.

"Maybe... we should wait."

"Miriam? What?!" Mei said to her, shaking her as if she had gone mad, "You're always burning CDs!"

"Yeah... I know," She said back, sweating a little under her beanie. She smiled weakly and just tossed the CD into her bag, not wanting to humiliate and upset Mei anymore.

"Respect," Priya added on, as she placed her own CD in her backpack too and Abby followed suit.

"I am gonna LISTEN to this TILL I AM DEAF!"

"Heh heh," Mei laughed nervously and gulped, putting hers and Tyler's CD away in her bag. This wasn't how she wanted to start the day off with him at all. Since when had he ever cared for doing the right thing? Since... when did she care about not doing the right thing..?

She gulped and walked quickly to the side of Miriam as they entered class.

And her heart began to flutter like a maniac when she laid eyes on Travis.

OMG! He was so cute! He was sitting at the back of the class – y'know, where all the 'cool' kids sat. Oh, how badly she wanted to go over to him and stroke her fingers through his silky black hair.

"Mei, MEI!"

She snapped out of her daydream, to see that Miriam was waving her hand before her face to bring her back to reality.


"Since when?"

"Since what?"

Miriam frowned and the two plopped to their seats near the front of the class... the 'goody two shoe seats.'

Miriam looked at Mei annoyed and added on, "What about Tyler?"

"What about him?" Mei asked innocently and Miriam looked at her very disappointed. The pale braces-wearing girl just huffed out heavily and got out her books, slamming them to the table as she muttered.

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