Chapter 8

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He stayed there in the spare room of Miriam's family.

Tyler just stared ahead at the ceiling that was the normal colour of painted white. His quilts were warm and his body should be relaxed... but it wasn't. Cos' he was worried.

He was worried he was making a big mistake. But that's what his head kept saying and not his heart.

Why was his mother like this? Why was she saw discriminating and hateful at the fact that he liked Mei?

She should support him, support the relationship... instead... she despised it.

He sighed heavily, turning on his side and only staring straight on at the wall the bed was pressed against.

He was not happy inside.


He was hurting.


The next day he was filled with worry as he got up and ready for school. Miriam only acted concerned around him, and he tried to shake off her fear, but he felt it as well himself inside.

He didn't have a backpack with his books in it. He literally had nothing.

"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" She asked him as they left out her front door and waited for the bus.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He replied back, though there was no emotion in it.

"But what about your school stuff-?"

He held up his hand to stop her from finishing her sentence.

"I'll. Be. Fine."

The bus pulled up and he got on, showing his travel pass card and Miriam only uttered to herself.

"I don't think you will."


Soon they arrived at the school and went to their classes.

Mei was freaking out inside that she hadn't seen Tyler or heard from him after the call she got from his mother.

She was only half paying attention as she filled out her exam papers, gazing out the class windows instinctively, in search of any face that would cause alarm.

At break she finally found him. He was looking down to the ground, a sadness in his eyes but when he blinked up to see whose shadow had fallen on him, he smiled instantly with joy.


"Tyler, you idiot!"

His smile fell a little at her response.

"You never went home last night? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"She rang you..." He uttered, standing up straighter and looking sadly into Mei's brown eyes, "Didn't she?"

Mei weakly nodded her head.

"I'm sorry, Mei..." He finally said, a feeling of deep regret in him as he didn't want her to worry.

Mei sighed weakly and only placed her hand on his shoulder, looking deeply back into his own eyes and saying with a soft smile.

"It's okay... it's okay..."

He nodded in return and only wiped the corners of his eyes as teardrops had gathered there.

Mei watched his distressed movements and only asked in a scared voice, "It's that bad... isn't it..?"

He shut his eyes, timidly nodding his head, "Y-yeah..."

"Let me help you..." Mei went on in sadness, as she held his hand softly in hers and he blinked open his eyes surprised at the tender touch, "Let me speak to her."

Boys will be Boys and Girls will be Pandas - Turning Red FanficWhere stories live. Discover now