Chapter 59 - Three months

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Hey Jessie. Today I saw you at the little shop you work at now. I didn't go inside.

Hannah's really excited about the wedding. She's running about with Katie and Nina, picking out dresses and flowers. I don't understand it at all, but I'm not really supposed to, am I? I'm just the groom... Huh.

I asked Sam how you were, but she says you weren't really talking to her, either. I hope you're doing okay.

And- uh, it's Lewis.


--Jessie's POV--

I ignored the voicemail notification on my phone. Again. Ever since Kogie and I had our fight, I haven't listened to any of them. But they still come every day. That doesn't stop me from thinking about them, though. There are bits and pieces that still run through my mind anytime I start thinking.

However, that doesn't mean I'm not happy for Hannah and Lewis. They belong together. It was always so cute to see them together and doing the weird little things they did to each other. Their marriage was meant to be.

That doesn't mean I have to go.

"Dearest Darling Kogan!" I called, exiting my bedroom and walking towards the lounge. I quickly scanned the space. Seeing no one was there, I looked in the kitchen. It was also empty. "Where the fuck is he?" I murmured, turning back to the corridor. The bathroom door was closed, so I pressed an ear against it, only to hear the sound of rushing water and a soft hum.

I could have some fun with this. Good fun. Adult fun. Yes... Nah, it's too early for that. Instead of bothering Kogie in the shower, I went back to my bedroom to get ready for the day. It's been such a long time since we went out together and frankly I was going a bit stir crazy between here and work. Why not spend my day off out with my love?

My eyes flicker over the folded jumpers and shirts I have in my closet. The weather was getting cooler again, so I got a long-sleeved shirt and tugged it over my head before reaching for some normal jeans thrown on the foot of my bed. And as I started to drag my brush through my hair, Kogie walked in with nothing but a towel around his waist.

My god... He is just too... ahhh... heh, uh. Wooh. It's a little hot in here, isn't it?

While I was trying desperately to not jump him then and there, Kogie put on his most alluring smirk. "I didn't know you were awake," he practically purred.

"Yep, I am! And we're going to- um." I swallowed, feeling a deep red blush warming my cheeks. "We're going out today, so- uh, you should, uh." Damn Kogie and his beauty. "Get ready."

"Of course. Would you like to watch?" He offered, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope!" I jumped up, running out of the bedroom to the chuckling amusement of Kogie.


The sun warmed my skin while I walked down the street. Kogie and I were walking hand-in-hand, like a normal cheesy couple. But what's wrong with being cheesy every once in a while?! Nothing! That's what. Besides, it just gave me a reason to be close to him.

Right now we're on our way to The Gourmet Chip, where we had our first date. I'm not entirely sure where it is because this fuckbasket was the one who found it, but the direction we're going feels right. I don't know. I'm just following.

"Kogie?" I turn my head to look at him, trying to continue walking in a straight line. My coordination is not the best.

"You do realize you don't have to say my name everytime you want to say something, right?" He glanced at me, but he seemed more focused on where we're going.

"I like saying your name! ANYWAYS, I just wanted to say I love you."

He laughed and shook his head. "Okay, Jess."

"And you're a fuckbasket."

"You remind me every day," he sighed dramatically, leaning away from me. "Is that all I am to you? A fuckbasket?" I could see him trying to hide his smile, but I played along.

"Of course not! You're also smoking hot. Capital H-A-W-T."

"That makes me feel so much better."

"It should!" I tease, poking him in the chest. Kogie looked rather offended now, so I wrapped my arms around his chest, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He returned the hug, nestling his face in my hair. I took a deep breath and murmured, "I really do love you."

"I love you, too." He pulled away, his hand coming up to cup my jaw. "Now let's stop being complete sops and go eat some chips!" He gave me a peck on the cheek and started dragging me by the hand.

"Woah!" I managed, stumbling like an idiot until I gained my footing.

It only took another five minutes for us to get there, but neither of us really minded. We were just glad to arrive because I was really hungry at this point.

"Table for two," Kogie told the hostess who picked up two menus and led us to a table in the middle of the place. I knew I would just get what I got last time, so while Kogie looked at the menu, I looked at Kogie. I watched his brow furrow and his lips purse in thought. I got so wrapped up in watching him, I didn't even notice he was looking at me when an amused expression crossed his face.

"See something you like?" he quipped, setting aside his menu.

"Yeah." I smiled, propping my head up on my hand. He chuckled.

He started talking about something, but I zoned out. My mind wandered to Lewis's wedding, then to marriage, then to MY wedding. And that's when I realized. I could easily see myself getting married to Kogie. I could see myself walking down the aisle to the waiting man. But I couldn't imagine anyone else there. I didn't want to marry anyone else.

"Excuse me." The waiter interrupted my thoughts to ask for our orders. I told him mine and listened to Kogie's.

Once the waiter left, I looked to see Kogie was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes accusingly.

"Nothing. You're just cute when you daydream."

"How do you know I was daydreaming?"

"Well, you were staring at me. But you also get this look on your face that only changes when what your thinking about does. I could tell it was happy, whatever it was. Care to share?"

"I just imagined us getting married."



"Ooooo-kay... Is that something you're interested in...?"

"Someday, maybe. Not right now, though."

He just laughed again, taking my free hand in his own. A kiss brushed my knuckles, and I bit back a giggle. "Such a soppy fuckbasket."

"But I'm yours." He winked.

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