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None of this shiz is cannon, so don't expect it to a) make sense, or b) continue in the story. cx


Smith ran his fingers through his hair, staring at the blank green side of his barrier thing. Jessie was the only thing running through his mind and it drove him crazy. Everything from the coppery glint of her hair to the way she twiddles her thumbs when she's upset. He bites his lip when some less appropriate thoughts take root in his daydream state. A sudden buzz pulls him from his trance and he looks down, seeing Jess's name come up with a short message underneath.

Please pick me up

S: From where?

He tapped the edge of his phone impatiently, worry beginning to push his imagination. Another buzz and there was an address as the message. Wait, it looked familiar. Is that Kogie's flat. What did he do to her?!

S: On my way

Alex jumped from his chair, ignoring the questions coming from Trott and Ross as they watched him leave. Jogging to his car, the ginger jumped in and took off as soon as the engine was on. He tried to keep his focus on the road, but anger began to build in his chest and his knuckles were white on the steering wheel.

Soon he saw the bundled up figure standing at the side of the road that must have been Jessie. Smith leaned over and opened the door for her, watching her as she carefully stepped into the car. She was soaking wet and shivering. He hadn't noticed the rain until now...

"What happened?" Smith asked quietly, searching her for injuries. She was perfectly fine aside from the wet and cold part. "Why aren't you wearing a jacket?"

"It was his..." She whispered hoarsely. She's been crying for a long time.

"I'll take you to your flat, alright?" She grabbed my arm quickly, looking him in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. They were red and puffy, though. It made the anger swelling in Alex's stomach to burn hotter.

"No. Not mine." She released his arm and returned to her hiding position. She pulled her knees to her chest and twiddled her thumbs, just like always.

"We'll go to mine, then." He put the car in drive and start off, heading straight for the flat. Fuck. His roommate will be there. "I have a roommate. I'll tell him to piss off if you need me to." His bright blue gaze switched from the road to the girl who just sat in near-silence. Only sniffling could be heard.

They arrived at the flat, but Jessie didn't move. She was just sitting in the passenger seat. Smith reached out a tentative hand, placng it gently on her shoulder.

"Jess?" He murmured, brushing back a lock of hair. Shrugged him away, adjusting slightly so that her back was to him. "We need to go inside." He opened his door, jogging around the front of the car and opening hers. She slowly put her feet on the ground and walked ahead of him and into the flat complex.

"Thanks, Alex." Her voice was soft and Smith couldn't help but warm inside when he heard her use his real name. He unlocked the flat, waving off the questioning look his roommate immediately gave him. Alex walked her to his bedroom, leaving her by the door to get a towel and something for her to wear. He searched the shelves for something that wasn't khaki or maroon.

Meanwhile, Jessie shuffled her feet where she stood. Kogie had left her. Just dumped her out of nowhere. She bit back the need to scream in sad anger. Her fists clenched and unclenched by her sides, but she looked up when Smith walked over with a towel and some clothes. Taking them with shaking hands, Jess gave just a small nod.

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