Chapter 28 - Just...

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---Sometime in july! :D---

It's been several weeks since my birthday and things have leveled out at the office again. I've started to learn how to work with the cameras and stuff because Lewis wants me to start being able to go on convention trips and such. They were more difficult than you'd think. I sighed and sipped at my cup of tea, not much of a coffee drinker.

A knock at the doorway pulled my eyes. It was Smith. We'd been fine, as well. Didn't really talk much, though. Ross didn't come by as often, either. I wonder if it was because of his loyalty to Smith or something. Whatever. I just thought we'd been better friends...

"Uh..." He started, glancing around. "We're gonna do a minecraft minigame video, but we're one person short..." He trailed off, but I could tell exactly where this was headed.

"Yeah, sure. I'll stand in." I nodded my head awkwardly, my fingers tapping at the mug in my hands.

"Cool..." He stood at full height now, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. I had to glance away, memories proving to be too much. There wasn't anyone to save me this time. "So, how are things?" This was painfully awkward, but there was no way I would just rudely walk out.

"They're fine. Great, even." I gestured with my hand, letting it flop back to my thigh.

"Great... great." I watched his eyes sort of search the floor before he walked over to the kettle. "What kind this morning?" He didn't look up from the pot as I reached up and grabbed a mug, reaching out and handing it to him.

"Chai. Just the first thing I grabbed this morning."

"Cool. Alright, thanks." He took the mug and quickly poured tea into it and walking off. I let out a large breath, wiping imaginary sweat from my brow.

"Fucking awful..."

--- On the minecrafts ---

I looked at my keyboard, trying to remember the controls. I moved the mouse, looking at the minecraft map that had been built to host this minigame. I am clueless as to how all of this was managed in a game that looked so simple. It's all beyond me!

"We're recording in... 3...2...1..!" Duncan's voice rang out in the Skype call.

A eruption of greetings could be heard in the call, but I remained quiet. I was hoping they'd sort of skip over the fact I was here.

"Today we're playing some minecraft minigames! We have with us Hat Films-" Kim began introductions.

"Helloooo!" Smith's voice rang out.


"Hey!" His deep voice sounded off in the call, but I thought nothing of it.


"Hey guys."

"And me, Kim!" Kim giggled.

"But Kim, what about Lewis?" Trott's acting was awful.

"I'm not Lewis and you know it, Trott." My voice was quiet compared to the others', but I didn't really care. This situation was a tad awkward for me. I was hoping Sam would be here, but apparently I'm the one standing in for her!

"Right! This is Jessie, Lewis's sister!" Kim added.

"Shh..." I shushed, sneaking towards Kim's minecraft avatar and punching out. I knew the PvP thing was off, so she wouldn't get damaged. "I'm not actually here..."

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