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❆°➳ "picture perfect"
⤷ chapter one:


"euni, come here, please!" she chucked her phone on her bed with a loud groan and walked out of her room. she was met with her dad, standing by the stairs with a bowl of cereal in his hands.

"come on, breakfast is ready" he said before walking back to the lounge.

"you couldn't just send that message through a text", euni complained as she walked down the stairs, following where her dad went. "nah, that's a hassle", jungkook replied, taking a spoonful of his breakfast.

"where is dad?" the 13-year-old asked her father. "he had to leave for work early. apparently, I did not even hear him wake up", her father replied to the question with a bit of a frown.

"when do you start school?" jungkook asked

"In two weeks? why?" she replied before eating.

"could you look after the kids? I know it may be a lot bu-" jungkook started but was cut off by his oldest daughter, who gave him a warm smile.

"dad, I have looked after them before. I get it, you and dad are busy- I wanna help out as much as I can, and I love looking after them", she replied

"you're a good girl. I will be looking to get a nanny soon once you go back to school," jungkook replied and stood up. "the kids are still asleep. let them sleep in as much as they can. you can invite your best friend over if you like", jungkook said while grabbing his work bag and car keys.

"thanks dad!" she yelled out excitedly as she rushed up the stairs to grab her phone.

jungkook smiled to himself as he walked out of the house and towards his car. once he was in, he shut the door and began to drive off. he was becoming busy. It had been two years since he and taehyung got married and had kids. 

he could not be happier. he has a family, a beautiful husband, a great job. the only thing that was becoming hard was how much he was working and how much taehyung had to work. they are the business owners, so shouldn't they get to decide what hours they work?.

apparently not.

once the CEO had arrived at his company, he parked his car and grabbed all his belonging before heading towards the front desk. "morning, any mail?" jungkook asked the red-haired lady, who looked up and bowed.

"yes, here they are", she picked up what looked to be six envelopes and handed them to him.

"thank you", jungkook replied and walked towards the elevator. he looked through some of the names to see if there was a company stamp. he frowned when he saw taehyung's company on one.

once it dinged, he stepped out of the elevator and walked towards his office. once he reached his office, he shut the door behind him and sat in his seat. he ripped open the envelope after chucking the other ones on his desk.

dear beautiful husband,

would you like to meet me for lunch, during your break at 12:30 pm?. a dashing man like you can't miss lunch. see you there xx.

yours, Tae.

jungkook let out a chuckle when he read the letter, put it back in the envelope, and put it in his draw. the male never failed to make him feel butterflies. once he turned on his computer and started to look at files, his door was pushed open.

"what's up fucker!" jimin said, walking into the office with coffee in his hand

"do you wanna be any louder?" jungkook groaned and grabbed the coffee off him.

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