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❆°➳ "cancellation"
⤷ chapter twenty-four


third persons pov:

"this is unbelievable" taehyung groaned, chucking his phone on the bed as jungkook had just walked into the room. he frowned and walked up to him.

"what's wrong babe?" jungkook questioned, standing right in front of taehyung who looked like he was going to blow.

"it is nearly six and we have to leave in like ten minutes, the children have not been fed yet. angela was meant to be here an hour ago, I messaged her to make sure she was still good to look after the kids tonight and she said yes"

"I texted her a minute ago to ask her where she is and she replied saying that she forgot to tell me she cant make it. I asked her why and she said she made other plans. I would of understood if something came up but she should of let us know earlier" taehyung explained, he was furious and jungkook thought he had every right to be.

"she knew we were both going to an event tonight gguk. she is not reliable. I know you guys have history but it is not acceptable. she has not been trying with yeona, she does not clean up after her self. the house is a mess by the time we get back and majority of the time the kids are always awake"

"what does she do when we are gone? just sit on her phone?" taehyung felt like he was going to burst into a bunch of flames. jungkook cupped both the males cheeks and told him to breath.

"your right babe. it is not right. we are paying her quiet well for her to not do daily tasks"

"I talked to a worker of mine who has a nanny and I asked what things the nannies are meant to do and its noting compared to what angela does. all the things we think she should be doing is apparently a standard in that type of work" jungkook added. rubbing taehyung's cheeks before he walked into the bathroom.

"could we see if jimin could watch them? what about my mum?" jungkook suggested.

"did you forget your mum is on holiday?" taehyung chuckled when the raven gasped.

"shit I forgot. what about jimin?"

"I cant ask jimin. he has so much on his plate already" taehyung sighed. jungkook watched as the brunette gasped and ran to his phone.

"let me call anna and see if she can" taehyung said, jungkook would of been so confused if taehyung had not told him who anna was. the raven hoped the anna would agree, he sat on the bed and watched as taehyung paced back and forward.

they had to go to this event tonight, it was important for their companies.

"hi anna, it is me taehyung. I am sorry for calling you so late, by chance do you have time to talk?" taehyung asked, jungkook could not hear what was happening on the other line. all he could go off was his husbands facial reactions.

"great! our nanny cancelled on us last minute and we need to go to an event. is there anyway you could come over to watch the children for us?"

"oh thank god. you're a life saver. we will be paying you, so dont try get out of that one. is there anyway you could come over now?"

"fantastic. I will send you the address. thank you so much anna" taehyung said and a few minutes later he hung up.

"great news, she is on her way" taehyung said, heading to the bathroom to get ready.

"your not worried about the kids being left with someone they dont know?" jungkook asked.

"a little. I mean, yeah a lot. but if yeona gets shy then she has euni who can put her to bed if needed. euni has been doing that with angela anyways. maybe give the organisation a call to let them know we may be half an hour late. while you're getting ready I can talk to anna about yeona and be there when they get to know her" taehyung said, jungkook was on board and let taehyung get ready while he got his own stuff ready.

he was wanting a shower first before they left but he got his outfit ready. when the bathroom door opened and taehyung walked out he was in awe. "you're so beautiful" jungkook whispered, pecking taehyung's cheek before heading in the bathroom for a shower.

taehyung walked out the bathroom, a blushing mess. jungkook never fails to make him shy or blush. they have been together for a little while now. and everyday still feels like they are both in highschool having crushes and kisses or hugs behind a bush.

as soon as taehyung went downstairs he heard a knock at the door. he went straight to answer it already knowing it was anna.

"hi anna, thank you again so much for coming even though it was extremely last minute" taehyung said opening the door for her to come in. she bowed and stepped in.

"you got here so fast!"

"yeah, I was around the area after my classes anyways" she replied, taking her shoes off.

"let me introduce you to my children" taehyung said, getting her to follow him into the lounge.

"this is hwan, haneul, yeona and euni"

"guys this is anna, she will be looking after you guys tonight since angela could not make it. she is a good friend of mine so make sure you take care of her okay" taehyung said, looking at his children who all nodded. everyone expect yeona, who was resting against euni.

the children were too busy watching tv so taehyung gave anna a tour around the house. they reached the last part of the tour which was yeona's bedroom.

"I wanted to give you a little heads up on some information about my children that I think is important to mention" taehyung said, sitting on yeona's bed as anna leant against the wall.

"hwan and haneul are very sociable, euni does her own thing and is quiet independent. if you ever need help she will be happy to help you. yeona is extremely shy, she hides away from people and does not like anyone outside of her family. she has a few close friends at school and trusts a few teachers but besides that she closes her self off easily"

"she has not been eating much lately, she clings to euni a lot. she gets really anxious with everything. we are going to get her tested for adhd and maybe autism, but there is a wait list so we are waiting for when we can be seen" taehyung explained.

"what is yeona like with angela?"

"yeona does not like her. whenever angela is around she clings to euni a lot, sleeps in her room as well. she does not eat when angela is here" anna nodded her head and frowned.

"did angela try anything to become close to yeona?"

"not really. I had a few conversations with her to let her know that yeona has to be in control of situations, she has trouble recognising her emotions so her physical responses are the only thing she can control. I told angela to get to know her interests and stuff but from what it looks like she has not tried"

"what things does yeona like?"

"she loves play dough, loves to colour in, she loves the water, loves to bake. she has a very strong personality when you get to know her" taehyung mentioned.

"have they eaten?" she asked

"no. im so sorry, we thought angela was going to be here but she cancelled last minute. we left money on the bench so you can just order pizza, they all will eat it."

"we have not had time to clean up or anything so please excuse the mess downstairs." taehyung said, feeling quite bad that hes just thrown anna into this.

"are any of the children on medication? have a set night routine or bed time?" taehyung loved all the questions she was asking.

"no for the medication. it would be amazing if they were asleep before we got home but since angela has been their nanny they are never in bed when we get home" taehyung answered.

"what really? so when you both get home you have to put them to bed?" she questions generally surprised.

"yeah basically. euni can get yeona to have a bath. hwan and haneul may need one before bed but not fussed if you cant get them to. euni is allowed her phone in her room at night time, we trust her so that is not an issue"

"babe we better get going" jungkook said popping his head into the room before leaving.

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