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❆°➳ "telling him"
⤷ chapter thirty-seven


taehyung's pov:

a month has passed and I am not doing well. my stomach is bigger now and I have not showered at home when jungkook is here. I only shower when jungkook is at work. I have had to take off three days off of work so far, I spent a whole day in my office sleeping on the couch.

the sickness is overwhelming, the headaches are never ending and the throwing up all the time was doing my head in. I was currently at my office, looking through the three reports. my head was throbbing and I have spent the last two days making so many mistakes.

mr reid walked into my office, holding onto some papers that he put on my desk.

"what are these?" I ask, looking through them all.

"interviews and the fashion show plans for next month" mr reid said. I ran my hands through my hair as I let out a shaky sigh. everything was becoming overwhelming, I was over working, tired. I have not been sleeping. I keep waking up and feeling thirsty, then go to the toilet every hour and then have a massive amount of back pain.

"is there anyway to reschedule the dates of these?" I ask reid but he shook his head.

"are you okay mr kim?" he asked as I stood up, trying to walk over to the couch when I started to feel hot. finding it really hard to breath, as soon as I let out a gasp everything went black.

"mr kim!"


jungkook's pov:

"I said the report is due today and not tomorrow. you have until the end of the day or you will be fired. no more slacking off" I said to the staff who all nodded their heads and went back to work. it was the afternoon and taehyung finishes early today so he will be picking the kids up.

I still have another two hours before I leave, I have one more meeting before my break. just as I entered the floor to my office I watched as a staff member ran up to me. the look of panic in her eyes made me stop.

"mr jeon-" she said but I sighed and cut her off as I continued to walk to my office.

"this better be good, I have a busy afternoon." I said leaning against my desk.

"there has been an accident, regarding your husband" she said and I felt the warmth drain my body.

"what happened?" I asked as I quickly grabbed my things as I headed out the office, she followed behind me.

"mr kim collapsed or fainted in his office, his assistant was with him and called the ambulance. that is all I know" she said, I nodded and quickly left towards the elevator. I got my phone out and dialled anna's number.

"hey anna. sorry to have to ask this but taehyung has been in a accident, and hes currently being sent to hospital. is there anyway you could pick up the kids for me, dont let them know anything and say we will be home soon" I asked.

saying a few things back and forward.


"jeon taehyung" I said out of breath as soon as I reached the hospital.

"room 333 si-" before she could even finished I ran towards the room, as soon as I was in front of the door I pushed both doors open. my eyes landed onto taehyung who was laying on the bed, wrapped up in all these needles and lines. it was heartbreaking to see.

"gguk" he whispered, a little surprised to see me as he shuffled to sit up.

"babe? whats going on?" I ask, pulling onto one of the rolling chairs and moving next to him as I grab his hand.

"I-" just as taehyung was about to speak the doctor walked in, I stood up and introduced myself as I shook his hand.

"I will get straight to it. taehyung is severely weak, tired and his bloods came back and the best way for me to put it as he is tiring himself out. he has not been eating or sleeping well and must have been taking on too much at work" the doctor said, I was thankful he put it in simple terms cause I hate it when doctors use all those fancy words and you have to get them to repeat themselves or ask to say it in english.

I shot taehyung a disappointed look as he avoids my gaze. I turned to the doctor who nodded at taehyung and dismissed himself. I grabbed onto taehyung's hand and sighed.

"whats going on tae. I knew you have been avoiding me but I did not know why" I whispered, looking at taehyung who started crying. I panicked and stood up.

"babe, no no. dont cry" I whispered, wiping his tears. I grabbed both his hands.

"why are you so upset?" I whispered again, watching as he shook his head.

"is it t-true that you dont want m-more kids?" taehyung sobbed, trying to steady his own breathing.

I frowned and tried to form the words to reply. I squeezed his hands as I sat back down.

"uhm. I am very happy with the family we have, but I am not closed off to the idea of having a kid"

"b-but you said to the other ceo's that you dont want more kids" he whispered, looking at me confused.

"babe. I said that cause it was none of their business what we do. I have to keep things civil with them, they dont have to know my every thought or personal life"

"what about the comment you m-made when you said that why did we have children?" he whispered, the tears still rolling down his cheek.

"I was stressed babe, I would have twenty kids with you. if it happens it happens" I said.

"I try my best to keep our lives private but to try avoid rumours I have to give them something so they dont feel like I am hiding something." I whispered, wiping the last of his tears.

"now why all these questions" I asked, watching as he let out a shaky breath and let go of my hands as he moves it down to his top, lifting it up to reveal his stomach. I felt my heart drop to my ass when I saw the decent sized bump.

"o-oh my g-gosh" I whispered, my throat starting to sting. I placed one of my hands on taehyung's stomach and let the tear escape from my eye.

"you're p-pregnant" I whispered, looking up at taehyung who cried. nodding his head.

"how long have you known?" I asked.

"t-two months now" he whispered, my eyes widened.

"two months? you've known for that long and are telling me now?" I asked, a little offended as I moved my hands away from him. taehyung sat up and shook his head.

"I know, but I was scared gguk. I thought you did not want another kid. I did not know what to do" he whispered.

"so what were you going to do? get an abortion and not tell me?" I asked standing up as he tried to grab my hand.

"I was g-going to tell you, I j-just needed time" he whispered.

"needed time? to tell your husband? you didn't trust me?" I asked, looking at him with full disappointment. I watched as his eyes got teary as he shook his head.

"of course I d-do. I w-was scared j-jungkook" he cried, his monitor started beeping louder.

"scared? scared of what?" I chuckled, my arms in the air.

"scared that y-you w-would hate me. n-not want another kid, I w-was scared jungkook. I needed time to process this o-on my won"

I shook my head. feeling the trust of our relationship get lower and lower.

"maybe I picked the wrong person to marry" I whispered, filled with rage as I heard taehyung let out a sob. his hands going to his chest as the monitor started to beep more. my heart dropped to my stomach when I watched taehyung go limp, the monitor going off the charts.

"nurse!" I screamed, going towards taehyung as I tried to wake him up.

"tae?!" I called out as the nurses rushed in, pushing me to the side.

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