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❆°➳ "the one in charge"
⤷ chapter thirty-two


taehyung's pov:

"euni, are you sure you're okay to look after yeona today?" I ask as euni enters the kitchen.

"yeah of course dad, I will take care of her. she is not talking much. here is your tea" euni says, handing me the drink as I took it from her. the smell reaching my nose causing me to nearly gag as I put it down.

"you okay?" she chuckles, I nod my head and smile.

"text us if you need, we wont be long. your dad and I took the day off" I said grabbing my things when jungkook came down the stairs as we went to his car. we looked like we were going to work, both in our work suits. we know the teachers arrive an hour earlier then the kids so we decided to use that time to talk to the teachers.

"you got the pictures?" I ask jungkook who was focusing on the road a head of him. one hand on the wheel and another on my thigh.

"yeah, it is in my work bag. I emailed the principal as well so hopefully he will show up to the class. I wanted to ask you this to make sure your okay with it but how do you feel about pulling hwan, haneul and yeona from this school and getting them to start a new school? maybe the one anna works at?" jungkook asked me, I thought about this heaps and after yesterday I am fine with pulling them from this school.

"hwan and haneul can make friends with anyone, maybe we can talk to anna and see what she thinks of the school she works at?" I suggeted, jungkook nodded and pulled into the school parking lot.

as we walked inside, I did feel quite nervous. as soon as my eyes landed on the teacher who seemed happy to see us oddly.

"what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?" mrs melissa asked, looking at the both of us as we cleared our throats.

"we are here to talk about your teacher aid. yeona has been coming home with marks on her arm, nail marks. I would like to know why those marks ended up on my daughter" jungkook asked, his voice cold that it nearly made me shift in my seat.

"I d-dont know about any marks. yeona does not participate in group activities or class activities. we at times have to force her to participate" mrs melissa said. she was in her late sixties, you can tell the passion is not there anymore.

"forcing her by grabbing her arms hard enough to where there is marks?" I asked.

jungkook's phone goes off, he checks it to see who is calling before he excuses himself.

"I will be going to the principal for this, we have come to you twice now about mrs samantha and nothing has changed. you told us that you would handle it. first the questions and now the physical abuse" I said to mrs melissa, she sighed before putting her pen down.

"look. samantha is the principals daughter. the last teacher the complained was fired." mrs melissa said

"what was the complaint?" I asked

"samantha was swearing in front of the child"

"and the principal lets that slide?" I question, completely shocked.

the principal soon walks in, standing next to mrs melissa behind the desk as I stand up aswell. as soon as he asks what is going on here I let him have it.

"are you serious? what is going on here? your daughter is physically hurting my daughter. there are nail marks on my daughters arm and your asking what is going on here?" I say, chuckling in disbelief.

"mr kim. you are not yeona's biological parent so we will need to talk to her biological parent." the principal said. I felt fire swirl in my stomach at that. my head turned to jungkook who had just walked in, he looked a little confused when he entered the room.

"mr shannon, for your information I may not biologically be related to yeona but by law I am also her parents. I have two boys that are biologically mine that go to this school, it gives me all rights by the law to make decisions for my children" I said, looking at the principal right in his eyes.

I turned to jungkook who grabbed photo's from his work bag and slammed it onto the desk.

"this is my daughters arm" jungkook said, his voice deep and cold. on the photo you can see yeona's arm, the red marks of the finger nails and the bruise that is forming around it.

"your daughter did this to ours" jungkook continued.

"there is no proof she did so" the principal

"are you calling my daughter a liar" jungkook asked, stepping closer to the principal.

"not at all. what I am saying is there is no proof my daughter did this"

"do you do this to all parents that come in to complain about your daughter? just shoo them away. just so you know, I am not an ordinary parent. I have money in a lot of places, I will take a stand towards this school for abuse of a minor. we will be pulling our three children out of this school, you will be hearing from our lawyer" jungkook said, taking the pictures back and grabbing onto my hand.

"oh and one more thing" I said, just before we left.

"I have a very close friend at the times. they will feast on this. get ready for december's article, this school and your name will be all over it" I smirked, squeezing onto jungkook's hand before we left the school.

"I am so angry" I whispered as soon as we reached the car.

"I know babe. we will be suing mark shannon and his daughter"

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