(LoSF oneshot) "The kids"

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(Author: Bold text is mostly me talking. Hi!)

When Willow and Sebastian got married, they never thought that they'd end up having kids. Neither of them ever really thought that was a good idea.

But after Robin kept hinting that she wanted grandchildren, even going as far as to put a nursery in their house, they took a while to think about the idea of having kids.

At first, they just... Didn't see it as a good idea for one reason or another.

Willow didn't want to give birth to a child (Too painful) and Seb just kept bringing up the fact that he just thought he wouldn't be a good dad, or he didn't want to end up like his dad, or Demetrius...

However, over time Willow was able to convince Sebastian that if he tried hard enough, he could be a good dad. He's already been trying to quit smoking because he said he wanted them to have a long, happy life together, so who knows? If he just tried hard enough, like he does with smoking, maybe they could get something to work

(he still smokes at some festivals, but shut up. The man's trying!)

Eventually, after putting a lot... And I mean a LOT of time into thinking... They eventually decided to adopt not just one... But two kids.

Cassidy and Bailey.

At first, the two parents were worried. "Why?" you ask... Well, because both of the kids they adopted were completely mute.

At first, Sebastian and Willow were rightfully upset about this, because they now knew that they would never be able to hear their kids talk, or laugh, or any of that other good stuff, but over time, they learned to live with that.

Willow was able to teach the kids random hand gestures that they could use that they (Willow) learned to use in their years of being selectively mute.

(Note: Willow didn't know much sign language, but they taught the kids the few things they did know. Other than that, it was just random hand gestures, such as snapping/waving to get someone's attention... It wasn't much... But it worked for the most part.)

And they also had help from Penny helping to teach the kids if Willow or Seb just... Had no clue what to do. (Ain't having a teacher as a friend just the greatest?)

But... Unfortunately, after getting over the hurdle of learning how to 'talk' with their silent children, they eventually learned about a different issue.

Children... Especially silent children... Can be scary.

What do I mean by that? Well...

First... It's very easy to lose small children. Especially ones that can't yell or say anything to tell you where they are, so Willow and Seb have had to add a LOT of rules when playing hide and seek.

And second... Some children chose the weirdest times to wake up at night.

And once again, I hear you asking "How can a kid getting up at night be creepy? Seems more annoying to me." And to that, I say...

Have you ever seen a child standing in the middle of the room at night? No? Then shut your mouth and listen.

(Seb's POV)

It was a quiet night at the farmhouse, and Willow had just gotten home from the mines, and was just getting into bed. Late as usual.

Just as the two of us were starting to drift off to sleep, I happened to hear a noise. Nothing big. Just a simple *Snap*.

At first, I thought nothing of it. Maybe the dog had stepped on something while walking around the house.

But then I heard it again. *Snap... Snap... Snap snap.*

At first, I thought it was Willow, trying to get my attention for some reason, but as I turned around to face them, I noticed that they were asleep. "Great. You're telling me I'm dealing with this alone?" I thought, looking around the dark room. It was almost pitch black, other than the slight bit of moonlight that was coming from the window.

As I sat there, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the lack of light... I saw something.

Three pairs of eyes, staring directly at me.

I had to cover my mouth quickly, to cover a scream that wanted to come out of it, but unfortunately, it didn't cover all of it, and what came out sounded more like a whining noise that someone would make after maybe stubbing their toe. I would know. Willow did it rather often.

(It's true... I try to be quiet when dealing with toe stubbing.)

Unfortunately, the rather awkward noise I made actually woke Willow up, and they groggily looked up at me, and quietly said "Huh?"

I just looked at them, mouth still covered, and thought "Forgot they're a light sleeper." before looking back at the six eyed... Thing... That was standing in the doorway.

Eventually, Willow looked at me with a confused expression, before deciding to lazily turn around, and look at what I was seeing.

As they did, a sudden loud scream was heard throughout the farmhouse, coming from the farmer themselves, and almost immediately after that, they went into panic mode, falling into the fetal position, covering themselves with the blanket,and covering their head with their hands, while shaking. To this day, I sometimes question why they do that. They're able to face some pretty scary stuff in the mines with no problem. On the other hand, their sword was in a chest in the other room, and I doubt they were prepared to see something like that in our own house, so maybe that was why.

There was also the fact that... I'm pretty sure no one's ever seen a six eyed monster in the valley. I then slowly reached to grab my phone that was on the bed stand, and shined a light on the creature.

And to my surprise, it was Cassidy, Bailey, and Apollo.

The two kids had tears in their eyes (most likely afraid of their parent screaming in the dark), and the dog was standing next to them, wagging his tail.

At that moment, I couldn't help letting out a loud snort, after finding out what this 'monster' was, before whispering "Willow... Look." before willow quickly peeked out of the blanket, grabbed their glasses, and then looked at where I was flashing my light.

They simply blinked a few times, then flopped their head onto their pillow, before letting out a loud "HA!" before starting to shake with laughter.

"I feel bad for screaming at my kids, but my word." They muffled into the pillow.

I laughed a bit more, before gesturing for the kids to come and sit on the bed.

Soon after, they climbed onto the bed, and looked up at the two of us, as Willow sat up from where they were laying. "Sorry for scaring you, kids, but... Well, you kinda scared us too, so I guess we're even." I said with a chuckle.

(Author's POV)

After a few seconds, the kids wiped the tears off their faces, before crawling across the bed to sit on their parents laps.

"Sorry for screaming at you, guys." Willow said with an awkward laugh, before Bailey rested his head on their chest.

"What are you two doing up so late anyway?" Sebastian asked the children, just before Cassidy shook her head, and started patting a spot on the bed.

After a short pause, Willow asked "Lemme guess. Can't sleep?" to which both the kids nodded.

Sebastian then said "Well, I wouldn't be able to sleep either, if little 'Mx. screams a lot' screeched at me as soon as they saw me enter a room." to which Willow responded by slapping him in the arm.

"Ow! Okay, okay. Jeez... So, are the kids sleeping in here again tonight, or?" Seb said, rubbing his arm, before Willow shrugged, before nodding at him.

Soon after that, the family once again started getting ready for bed. The dog even hopped onto the foot of the bed, and soon after, fell asleep as well.

And after a few minutes, the whole family was asleep, and the only sound that could be heard in the house was coming from Sebastian's frogs, Slippy, and Froggo.

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