(Random Stardew oneshot) "Nighty night."

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(Author's note: This story is based off of an old tweet I made on twitter. The link to that is in the comments below.)

You woke up one bright Saturday morning, stretching and excitedly hopping out of bed. You've been busy for a few days, doing some stuff on Ginger island, and today, you decided to head back to the valley for a bit to see your family.

You decided that the quickest way to get there was by using the return scepter, so you grabbed it, and waved it in the air.

A few seconds later, you returned home with a smile on your face, and stepped into the farmhouse.

You were surprised to see Sebastian up so early, since he was usually a night owl.

"Hey, Sebby! You're up early." You said with a chuckle, as you started putting your tools that you brought to the island away.

"Heh. You're one to talk. You usually don't get up until 6:00, and you were already up and working before I got up... And that says a lot, because like you said, I got up pretty early." He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

You were a bit confused by this. You just got up, and haven't done any work on the farm. Most of your stuff on the farm was automated, so you didn't really need to do much.

"Oh... Kay...?" You mumbled to yourself, before asking "Um, anyway, how'd you sleep last night? Did you have another nightmare?"

He paused for a bit, before responding with "Yeah. That's why I was up so early, actually."

"Oh, jeez. Must have been bad then." You responded, to which he simply nodded, before saying "I guess you weren't the only one who had trouble sleeping last night, huh?"

Once again, you were left confused. "Huh?" You hum, tilting your head a bit.

"Oh, you don't remember? You were mumbling in your sleep last night. I thought of waking you, but... For some reason, I decided against it. You seemed scared, but I have to admit... It was kind of cute."

As you listened to what your husband was saying, your confusion quickly turned into fear.

Apparently, your fear was obvious, because Sebastian asked "Hey, are you okay? You're starting to look a little pale... And that's a lot coming from me." with a chuckle.

Any other day, you would have laughed at what he said. It was kinda funny after all. One of the most pale people in the valley, saying YOU look pale... But now? You couldn't find it in you to laugh. According to what Sebastian said, someone... Or something was in your house... And in your bed... With YOUR HUSBAND!

"S- Sebby? Honey. I... I wasn't home last night... For a few days, actually... Did- did you just have one of your friends over, and... Forget..? And just assume it was me sleeping with you?"

You asked, as you felt your body shaking, and tears started blurring your vision.

"Pff! No. I can't even remember the last time Sam, Abby, and I had a sleepover. And even if we did, why would we sleep in the same be-" He stopped talking, as it seemed like something clicked in his mind. "Wait... What do you mean you weren't home? I just... I just assumed you were busy, and I'd only ever see you at night, when we were going to bed. Are you telling me that... That wasn't... Hehe. You've gotta be joking, right? That's one thing we have in common that I really liked about you. Your d- dark humor." Seb said, looking at you with a fearful smile on his face.

You just shook your head slowly, before noticing the smile slowly start to disappear from his face.

He sat down at the kitchen table, looking like he wanted to either puke or pass out... Or both. You weren't really sure, but you knew the feeling, no matter what it was.

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