Parents "disappear"

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@ZombieBear0 Thanks for the idea :D Thank you one of my friends who shall not be named for drawing the pic.


~~~~~Flashback ends~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I think I saw someone outside my window it might just be another cat. I swear it was a human though but it didn't look like a human it had really pale skin and his eyelids where gone. I feel like something is wrong but I have no clue what it is. When I walk down stair there is a fire on the stove and my parents are gone. I think my mother was cooking dinner, I try to put the fire out with the fire extinguisher but I fail so I try to call 911 for the firemen to come to put it out. When I try to call I hear a voice behind me, "Jazmyn," it taunts. I turn around to see nothing so I try to call again. "Damn it the phone isn't working," I mumble. I hear a menacing laugh behind me. When I turn around I am face to face with the person or thing I saw outside my window...

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