Daddy Nerd And Baby Bully

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Top/Dom Tae
Bottom/Sub Kookie

Author's Pov

"H-hyun-g s-low do-wn~" Jungkook said between his unstable breath.

"No chance" Jimin said running away from him.
"Aish this hyung," Jungkook thought and ran behind Jimin who was already in the class.
While he was on his way to class someone caught his attention.

He smirked and made his way to that someone.
He coughed to earn the person's attention in which he was successful.

When the person turned to see who disturbed his friendly talk with his mates. He suddenly shaked in fear.
"W-what do you want M-mr Jeon?" He questioned in fear clearly showing in his voice

"Nothing much Mr Kim" Jungkook said his voice turning into a dark one sending shivers to all the people present in the hall.

Understanding Jungkook, Taehyung gave Jungkook his homework and assignments.

"Well that wasn't hard, "Jungkook said and left for his class

"Just wait and see Darling" Taehyung thought and smirked.

Time skip to afternoon class (Brought to you by my laziness)

Taehyung was in the bathroom now. He wasn't surprised to see Jungkook there.

"I'm sorry again please accept my apologies," Jungkook said bowing multiple times

"Why are you sorry now? It's not a big deal. If you really want me to actually accept your apologies then why not consider telling me the reason for doing this?"Taehyung asked his eyes filled with curiosity.

Jungkook stayed silent hanging down his head. Taehyung who was impatient already snapped.

"I just want to know why you are doing this since I'm a part of this. It's Fine If you don't want to tell me. Who am I to ask you such personal questions it's not like I'm your friend or anything."Taehyung said his voice dripping with sadness

Jungkook who was hearing this teared up saying " No no it's.. not like that Hyung You have every right to ask me anything. it's just that....ok fine I'll tell you but not now, after school at the rooftop we'll meet there ok?"

Taehyung smiled hearing Hyung from Jungkook but he internally smirked at the success of his plan."Well then see you there Jungkook-ssi" He said and left from there.

If you're wondering what the hell is happening here, then let me explain it to you

Jungkook's parents are strict and homophobic. When he came out Gay, they told him it was a sin and not accepted him as who he is.

Soon they began to distance themselves from him, Ignoring him, and talking bad about him.
Heartbroken Jungkook tried so many times to talk to them but they didn't care.

So he started to hide his true side not daring to show it to anyone. They want him to be perfect. Perfect. That's what they want from him that they forgot that he is also a human with feelings and on top of that he is a teenager.

When Taehyung joined this school he fell in love. He can't help it. How can he? when Taehyung is Good for him in every way.

To distract his mind, he bullied Taehyung but he felt guilty for doing it.
So he asked sorry again and again. Soon This continued as their daily routine.

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