When his Hyung Punished him

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Top/Dom Jimin
Bottom/Sub Jungkook

3rd person pov

"H-hyung How can I even fit T-that in my mouth? It's so big," Jungkook asked.

"Oh come on it's not that big Darling " Taehyung said smirking.

"Ok f-fine" Jungkook said as he started to lick it slowly and then put it in his mouth in one go.




"Time out," said the voice assistant on the phone

"It's not fair Hyung your popsicle was small" Jungkook said whining

"But I won and you have to do the dare, " Taehyung said as he winked at the younger. Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes at Taehyung for winning him in the challenge.

"Aish fine so what is the dare ?" Jungkook asked.

"Tomorrow For 24 hours you have to call Jimin Hyung by his name, " Taehyung said smirking

"WHAT?" Jungkook shouted. No no no he can't do that. Why? Oh because he loves his Hyung so much that he can't even think about disrespecting him.

"No no no I can't do that" Jungkook said

"But you have to," Taehyung said

That night he regretted losing the bet.
Oh, what would his Hyung think?
Wouldn't his Hyung feel sad or angry that Jungkook disrespected him?
Will he be spared? Or will he be punished?

The next day

Jungkook was afraid of what would happen to him when he entered University. He was so scared to even go to University today so he tried to make excuse for not going to school
but his Eomma didn't let him do so.

Taking a deep breath he entered his class hoping to not see his Hyung today. He doesn't want to see his Hyung sad or angry especially not at him. But unfortunately, luck is not on his side.

Time skip to lunchtime

Everyone was gathered at the cafeteria to eat lunch talking with their friends, some with their loved ones, some with their siblings.

He looked around hoping to see his Friends. His eyes land on a familiar figure, smiling to himself he walked towards the direction where he saw them.

"Hello there kookie~," Taehyung said smirking and giving him a "don't forget the dare " look

"Hi," Jungkook said blankly. He wants to avoid any type of conversation with his Hyung. But couldn't ignore it as Jimin asked "So how was class today Jungkookie?" Smiling brightly.

"It was Good Jimin-ssi" Jungkook said but he regretted it as soon as he saw his Jimin Hyung's smile fade and he saw Taehyung smirking when they made eye contact.

"Kookie Why are you calling me by my name and not Hyung?" Jimin asked.
"Just felt like it. Don't bother Jimin-ssi" Jungkook said.

Just like this, the day passed with Jungkook regretting and Jimin was ready to punish.

Time skip after school at Jungkook's house

Jungkook was in his room when heard the doorbell. He rushed out to open the door only to find Jimin standing with a blank Expression. Jungkook let him in and closed the door. As soon as the door was closed Jimin made his way to Jungkook's room with Jungkook following him.

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