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Top/Dom: Namjoon
Bottom/Sub: Jungkook

" Ahh... Hyu-ng.. it hu-rts ....pull it out" Taehyung hisses out in pain.

"Yah you pabo don't make it seem dirty, It's just an Injection. " Jimin said taking out the injection then disinfecting the area.

"Now you're good to go. I'll see you guys tonight, Take care" Jimin said as he looked at the Taekook duo.

"Sure thing Jimin-Shii, " Taekook said in unison.

"Yah brats it's Hyung for you" yelled Jimin.

Then they left that place with Jungkook driving the car. He dropped off Taehyung at his house and left for his house to execute the plan that he has been working on for days.

Time skip ( Night)

Namjoon was home early to celebrate the First Anniversary of his wedding with Jungkook. He still remembers every moment of that day. He cherishes it every day. He still thinks that he is blessed to have a wonderful husband.

But he feels guilty. He feels that he makes his husband sad. But he is scared. He is scared to make love to his husband. He is scared that he might accidentally hurt the love of his life.

He opened the door hoping that Jungkook would greet him like he always did, but to his surprise Jungkook didn't. The living room was dark and the only light source was coming from their shared bedroom.

With curiosity, he walked towards the bedroom. He opened the door only to be shocked by the view. He couldn't believe his eyes. Jungkook was looking sinful yet with an innocent look on his face. The sight itself was too much for Namjoon. He tried so hard to control himself.

He was so into eyefucking Jungkook that he didn't notice the romantic background set up by Jungkook. He noticed that the younger was nervous as he fiddled with the sleeves of his dress and bit his lip.

Namjoon took off his coat tossing it to the side carelessly. He loosened the tie around his neck not fully taking it off. He sat on the bed without taking his eyes off Jungkook. He took the younger's hands in his large hands in an attempt of calming him down

He lifts the chin of Jungkook looking directly into his eyes. He leaned in to kiss Jungkook's forehead. The younger seemed to relax at the kiss.

"What are you planning to do to me, my love?" Namjoon asked. But the younger stayed silent still nervous but he was shy too now. So Namjoon kissed him so tenderly and softly on his face which made the younger giggle

"Just wanted to surprise you Hyung " Jungkook exclaimed.

"Oh dear you are too good for me " Namjoon said holding his heart and acting like he was hurt falling down. Jungkook slightly slapped him on his biceps with a cute angry baby face.

Then he leaned in to kiss Namjoon on the lips in a soft kiss. Though Namjoon was surprised at first, he kissed back eagerly not until the kiss turned heated. The younger bit the bottom lip of Namjoon and then slid his tongue over it.

He changed their positions and now sat on Namjoon's lap without breaking the kiss. He started to move his hips making it hard for Namjoon to control himself.

They broke the kiss due to the lack of oxygen. Small pants were leaving the mouth of the younger.


"Hyung I want you to make love to me please"

Namjoon was cut off as Jungkook spoke in a low whisper. He didn't know what but it did something to his body. His love begging to him to make love to him. He felt something stir in him.

Seeing his Hyung zoned out, he placed his hands on his Hyung's Chin and made him look into his eyes, which seemed to wake him from his daydream.

Jungkook looked into his Hyung's eyes with love and lust. He was desperate to make love to him but was scared. Both were scared. But this time both were not going to back off.

So they leaned in for another kiss. Breaking the kiss after some minutes, Namjoon switched their positions now hovering above Jungkook with a smile which made the Younger smile too.

"If you ever feel uncomfortable at any point don't ever hesitate to stop me ok? Do you understand Love?" Namjoon asked

"Will do Hyung" Jungkook answered with a reassuring smile. Namjoon kissed his forehead and made his way to Jungkook's neck. He kissed and bit the fresh making it turn red due to his sensitive skin.

His hands unbuttoned Jungkook's shirt revealing his collarbone. In no time he undressed Jungkook, he was looking so ethereal and no words could describe how beautiful he looked. Then Namjoon undressed himself which made Jungkook blush red.

Namjoon went near Jungkook's ear, the most sensitive spot on the younger's body and placed a kiss there making Jungkook gasp out loud then trailed down to a spot under Jungkook's ear biting and sucking the flush making love bites. The younger was moaning lowly

He tapped his hand on Jungkook's lip asking for entrance which the younger gladly accepted. Jungkook sucked the finger like the good boy he was coating the finger with a respective amount of saliva

Namjoon took out his hand from the younger mouth and looked at Jungkook for permission. Jungkook gladly nodded. Namjoon entered his finger one by one and soon started scissoring him. Jungkook moaned out loud when Namjoon's fingers brushed past a bundle of nerves.

When Namjoon was satisfied that Jungkook was loosened enough to fit him, he pulled out his fingers earning a loud whine from Jungkook.
Namjoon chuckled at the cute behaviour of Jungkook and pecked his lips stopping him from whining more

"Don't whine petal I'll give you something better than my fingers" Namjoon spoke in a deep voice sending shivers down Jungkook's spine. Jungkook looked at Namjoon's every action noticing that he was looking for something.

"What are you looking for Hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"I am looking for some lubricant" Namjoon answered.

"It's in the second drawer Hyung" answered a blushy Jungkook.

"Thank you petal "

He picked up the line and poured some on his hands and applied it to his member. He then positions himself between Jungkook's legs.
He entered which shot up pain in Jungkook's bottom. Then stay in the position for a while to let Jungkook adjust, while his hands caressed Jungkook's thighs in an attempt to calm down.

"You can move Hyung " Jungkook spoke.

He slowly removed himself then thrust going back and forth at a slow pace not forgetting to hit Jungkook's sweet spot. With each thrust, Jungkook was moaning loudly and chanted Namjoon's name as if it was the one thing he could say or think.

"Oh fuck....I-i am so ble-sssed to have you as-sss my husband Jungkook" Namjoon exclaimed

"You are s-so beautiful and too g-good to be true my L-love " Namjoon praised.

" you look so pretty my Love" Namjoon didn't stop and praised him the whole time

"Tha-ank you H-hyung"

He picked up his pace bothering reaching their high and came with a high-pitched moan and a deep groan.

But Namjoon was caught off guard as Jungkook flipped their positions and now sat on Namjoon's lap

"Round 2? " Jungkook asked with a smirk riding Namjoon.

(Words 1289 )

Ok this was hard to write because I tried to write some soft smut I don't know how it turned out
So can you guys comment and give feedback
On this so I can improve it later
Well then see you soon
- Author nim

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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