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Top/Dom: Jin
Bottom/Sub: Jungkook

"It's hard I can't possibly do it.... " Namjoon said in fear too shy to even make eye contact with Namjoon.

"You can Hyungie~. Just be patient and focus." Jimin said

"Gosh, this is so embarrassing. I don't even know where to start " Namjoon said.

"Go slowly Hyung. Take your time you'll get it eventually" said Jimin.

"I don't want to go slow. I want to Do this quickly." Namjoon said.

" No, no do it slowly or you'll miss the good part" Jimin said.

A low groan was all the response.

"... this is too hard," Namjoon said.

"You might enjoy it if you relax Hyung," Jimin said.

"Fuck...........why this dare is so hard?" Namjoon asked.

"Just do it Hyung," Jimin said

"Fine," Namjoon said and called the love of his life. Jimin's phone rang. He picked up his phone and looked at Namjoon in shock. He did not think it was him all along. With shaky hands, he attended the call.

"Hello?" His voice came out low.
"I-I...I love you" Namjoon said while he made eye contact with Jimin but Jimin's stare intimidated him and he cut the call. He looked down fear of what was coming next. He expected a slap or harsh words. But to his surprise, he received a warm hug and a forehead kiss from Jimin.

"I love you too Hyung" he replied.

"Awwwwwww" came the chorus from the ones who were watching the two in silence. The said duo parted while blushing and came back to their respective places.

"Ok next," said Hoseok his face red because he was suppressing his scream while watching the two. He spun the bottle and it landed on Jungkook whose face turned pale.

A smirk made its way to the face of everyone except Jin. Jungkook felt scared about what is about to happen.

"So Kookie~ Truth or dare?" Asked Hoseok.
"Ummmm.....D-Dare?" Jungkook said more like questioned himself why would he choose that.
He started to scold himself when he saw the smirk widening on everyone's face except Jin.

"I dare you to sit on Seokjin's lap topless while wearing a handcuff and give him a lap dance," Hoseok said the dare and gestured something to the rest of the group. While Jungkook was shocked would be an understatement.

They first sat Jin normally on the chair then they made Jungkook sit on him facing each other and handcuffed Jungkook's hand behind Jin's back. And Left.

"How the hell did it end up like this? How long were they planning for this?" Jungkook mumbled under his breath.
"Stop mumbling and do it already!" Jin said slowly not noticing Jungkook getting tense as Jin was dangerously close to his ears and Jin's low voice was doing something to his body.

"What are you waiting for?" Jin asked.
"I- Ummm......" Jungkook hesitated.
"What?" Jin asked again now softly. Jungkook felt a little small under the presence of his Hyung.
"N-nothing," Jungkook said. Jin nodded.

After some seconds of silence.
Jungkook took a deep breath and tapped Jin's back to signal him. Jin again nodded.

He started to move his hips at a slow pace trying not to moan at the friction. As time moved he picked up his pace getting faster. he also felt his Hyung getting hard. Suddenly he heard a groan and a curse following from his Hyung.

"Ahh~ fuck.... Go faster" Jin ordered.
"Mhmmm Y-yes Master" Jungkook said falling into subspace.
"A-ah call me that again"
"Oh god"

(Note: firstly Jin was sitting normally on a chair and Jungkook is sitting on his lap facing each other while Jungkook's hand was tied or handcuffed behind Jin's back, so Jin is not tied up. And Jungkook was resting his head on his Hyung's shoulder)

Jin suddenly stood up shocking the Younger.
He pinned Jungkook to the wall and kissed him.
Jungkook was surprised but responded without hesitation. Their tounges mingled in sync. They were devouring each other like there is no tomorrow.

He then left the swollen lips with a peck. He trailed down a kiss along the jaw to under his ear. He sucked and nibbled the soft skin making hickeys. He noticed that Jungkook's breath was unstable and he was not letting out any sound.

He lifted his head from Younger's neck just to see his eyes were teary and he was biting his already swollen lips. He looked so cute yet so sexy at the same damn time.

He pecked the lips softly making the Younger shoot his eyes open.
"Look I am already tempted to wreck you,
even so, I am controlling myself
From doing it. But you are
Making me lose control
with just little things that
You are unaware of.
Don't ever bite your lip
When I am here to do it.
And let me hear your voice,
You sound so beautiful Doll." Jin said as he observed the Younger with heart eyes looking for any discomfort.

Jungkook just nodded and kissed Jin, the room started to heat up. As the Younger was already shirtless Jin started to unbuckle Jungkook's pants. In no time they were naked.

Jin grabbed a condom and a bottle of lube from the drawer beside them. He applied some on his finger. He turned to the Younger and gave a forehead kiss to relax him. He inserted his fingers and observed the face of the Younger to find any discomfort.

When he didn't, he started to move his fingers. Soon one turned two and the pain turned into pleasure. After a minute when Jin felt that Jungkook was stretched enough, he removed his fingers.

He turned Jungkook around, one arm around his waist to support him and the other arm pinning Jungkook's cuffed hands.

He kissed Jungkook's shoulder and slowly inserted his member. He didn't even wait and thrusted at a slow pace getting faster and faster.

Jungkook's moans were music to his ears. The way he would whimper and moan with each thrust.

"Do you k-now how goo-d you look r-ight now?" Jin asked.
"Abso-lutely breath-taking!" Jin exclaimed.
"Tha~nk you master~" Jungkook managed to thank Jin

Jungkook's eyes rolled back at the pleasure he was getting. His whole body shivered when Jin hit his sensitive spot. He picked up his pace hitting on the same spot over and over again reaching his high
"Ah~ I-m going t-to cum" Jungkook said.
"Me to-o princess"

Soon they both came, and both were panting hard.
Jin removed himself and turned Jungkook around facing himself who looked exhausted and on the verge of sleeping. He kissed him on his forehead as Jungkook smiled at the soft kiss.

He smiled to himself and carried Jungkook to the bathroom and he washed himself and Jungkook and both slept.

Author's note:

I'm so sorry guys that I was gone for long
I just had my exams going on now it's finished but soon I have my revision exams starting.
Currently, I am on my break now so that is why this story is rushed.
And I have so many stories going around my mind and it's hard to keep up with them so I'm doing it one by one but I tend to forget them so I'm trying to remember and when I remember them I'll write in that second.
So please wait for further updates.
Please don't be a silent reader
Comment and vote, please

(End 1277 words)

Well then see you soon lovelies
- Author nim out

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