Chapter 8

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Hello lovelys.(:

This chapter will be all about Joseph and his deranged self haha. I'm having a lot of fun with him. Anyways enjoy.(:


Joseph's POV


I leaned over to pick up my phone. My head aching. What time is it? I looked at the clock by my bed. '11:47' Crap...

"Babe, babe, Phoebe. Sweetheart. Wake up." I cood. I had brought her home from the bar three weeks ago, and I fell instantly.

"Hmm?" She sleepily said. Snuggling up next to me.

"Wake up sweety, you have to go to work." I said softly, kissing her forehead. I honestly didn't want her to leave.

"Ugh, ok." She huffed then stood up. Wearing my white shirt and her boy short underwear. She was adorable.

She walked towards the bathroom, pulling her auburn hair into a bun and wiping her eyes. The next thing I heard was the sound of vomit. She was violently puking. The toilet flushed then she screamed.

"What day is it!?" She panicked, running around looking for her iPhone. The 4th.

"Babe, I'll be back." She says. She pulls on her PINK hoodie and her light wash skinny jeans, grabbing her keys and running out of the door. I stood up confused. looking around and scratching my head.


When she came back she had a small box in a bag. She ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

"Babe, let me in." I said softly.

"In twenty minutes." She replied. I knew exactly what she was doing.


I heard crying from the other side of the door. Twenty seven minutes have passed and she was still in the bathroom. I paced around the room, nervously.

"Joseph." She whispered. I heard the door creak open and I turned around, looking at her with a thermometer looking thing in her hand.

"I'm pregnant." She says, crying. I can see the purple plus sign on the device and I walked out. I grabbed my keys off the table, and made my way to my car. This can not be happening.


I woke up in a sweat. I hated flashback dreams. That day keeps replaying in my head.

I missed her, and I miss Faith. But I blew it with both of them. Phoebe was engaged and Faith wasn't but she was a serial killer. She did it for fun..

I might as well go jump off a bridge. But I had to stay strong for my baby girl Cassidy, even if she had no idea who I was.

I drove by Faiths house, I didn't stop but I wanted to. I had somewhere to be. I pulled up to the building.

Mrs. Marcy' s Head Start

Cassidy had a dance recital today. Two years old and she dances pretty good. I watch her every Tuesday afternoon. She goes to a private head start school, and they were always doing little dances and such.

She was so darn cute. I wanted to walk up and hug her. Why couldn't I? She was legally mine.

"Mommy." I heard her say. Pheobe scooped her up and kissed her cheek.

"Daddy!!" She shrieked. wiggling out of Phoebe' s arms and into Carter's. That made me mad. My whole face was hot. Clenched and clammy fists.

That should be me. I walked out before anyone saw me. Phoebe put a restraining order on me but that wasn't going to stop me from seeing my child.

After stopping by Arbys I drove to Faith' s house. I had to make things right. I needed her.

Knock knock knock "Faith." Knock knock knock.

She opened the door and the smile she had dropped.

"Why are you here? Want me to kill anymore people?" She said sarcastically, she knew it aggravated me but she was to cute to be mad at. She crossed her arms and gave me a dirty look.

"I just came by to apologize. I'm sorry." I said. She grabbed the door and almost shut it in my face when I grabbed her wrist. She looked down and a tear fell.

"You don't know how hard this is for me Joey." She whispered. She only called me Joey when she was upset or really tired. And I was positive it was both, and all because of me.

I put a finger under her chin and her face rose to mine. Before she could say anything I kissed her passionately. Her arms snaked around my neck. I picked her up and carried her into the house, never breaking the kiss.

We laid on the couch kissing for about five minutes, before it got to far she stopped.

"Why?" That's all she said. I'm confused.

"I-im sorry." Wow, that's all I could come up with? Really..

"I forgive you." She said before kissing me again. I didn't object and I kissed back.

Just as we were getting into the kiss my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered, hovering Faith.

"Do you want to meet your daughter?" Phoebe said. My jaw dropped. And so did Faith' s.

Crap, Faith. She heard Phoebe. She knows..

"A DAUGHTER?!" Faith yelled. Pushing me onto the floor. She stood up. Furious.


Oh Joey you dirty dog(;

Hey babes.

Just as Faith and Joey get back together she finds out about Cassidy. Oh cliff hanger.(:

Updating tomorrow maybe.




<3 Always, Nikeya.

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