3. Sliding into those DM's

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Chapter 3:

I wake up at 7am which is weird for me but I was jetlagged from being on the other side of the country. I considered trying to go back to sleep but I decided to make most of my day. Larysa wouldn't be back until 9 tonight so I have nothing to do for a while. I got out of bed and went downstairs to get some coffee. While I waited for the coffee maker to make my coffee I jammed out to Boom Clap by Charlie XCX because it's a grat song and if you disagree then you're wrong.

"dadading" I heard my phone go off.

@ConnorFranta: New video today! Talked about my trip at playlist and Disney World! RT once you watch!

Note to self; watch Connor's video later.

When my coffee was done, I grabbed it and a protein bar from the cupboard then skipped (not literally) to the couch. I turned on the TV and being the 5 year old I am, I automatically switched it to Disney Channel. I then sat there for a half hour watching Hannah Montana. At 8 o'clock I decided to get in the shower. I made sure to bring along my speaker so I could jam out to my favorite songs!

45 minutes later I was out of the shower and in a bathrobe trying to find some clothes to wear. Why was this so hard! It's not like I had anything to do today! I finally decided on some leggings and a blue "I'm a cat" jumper. I usually wear these as PJ's but it's cute enough for an outfit... I think. (http://www.polyvore.com/pjs/set?id=150121277) I decided to put my hair in a side braid and put on some converse. Finally, my outfit was complete but then I realized I still had nothing to do so I went downstars and sat on the couch.

"I mean, I guess I can blast some Ed Sheeran," I said to myself as I opened up my Spotify. My whole day just consists of music. It's a problem, except not really.

@ConnorFranta: "Let's have a little follow spree, shall we? Might even DM some of y'all who tweet using #FrantyFollowSpree"

"eeeeeeep!" I screamed out loud. I got up and did a little bit of an Irish jig.

I turned of the music down a little to concentrate because when it's spamming time, you've got to concentrate. I wrote my tweet, copied it, and then spammed Connor for about 30 minutes. When I got to tweet number 213, I figured I'd take a quick break. So I grabbed my phone and headed to the kitchen. I decided to make myself some eggs for brunch.

I got out the eggs and continued to make myself some scrambled eggs because I was too lazy to make them over-easy. I stood by the stove with a spatula in one hand and my phone in the other. I going through my Instagram feed when I got a twitter notification. Being the no life loser I am, I quickly switched over to my Twitter to see if someone mentioned me or liked my tweet or something. I opened up my fan account and checked my notifications.

"Connor Franta has followed you"

I paused. My jaw dropped. Then, I screamed. I screamed, nearly dropped phone, and actually dropped my spatula.

"GAHHHHHHH" I ran around the kitchen screaming.

After I calmed down I realized that I need to turn the stove off to not burn my eggs. Then I ate my eggs, forcing myself to eat food while tweeting and fan-girling from my fan account. I made sure to tweet Connor saying thanks! Finally I finished eating and decided to work on my novel. As an "aspiring author" I'm supposed to write a little bit each day.

I sit down on the couch with my laptop on my lap and open up word. I read the last sentence I'd written and then my phone makes a noise. I set my laptop down and pick up my phone rather quickly.h notification was from twitter. I open my twitter app and see I have about 20 notifications and 2 messages. All the notifs were basically people just congratulating me for getting a Connor follow so I replied to a few to say thanks and say inspiring things like "Oh don't worry, you'll get one someday!" Then I decided to check my messages. I figured they were just people begging me to promote them to Connor.

I open the first one not even looking at the second one. the first one was from my really good internet friend I had named Sydney or as I like to call her, Squishy.




Me: Hopefully one day you'll get a follow and meet him too!

I then decided to go see what desperate fan account wanted promo now.

"1 message from Connor Franta"

I froze. I thought for sure that some fan account had DM'd me as a "joke". I hat those darn things.I decided to open it to see what it said!

Connor Franta: Hey, I just saw one of the pictures you posted when you were spamming me. You're the girl from Disney. The frozen lemonade line, right?

Omg... OMG! Is this Connor Franta?! THE Connor Franta!? I opemed up the account and it was! It was the verified @ConnorFranta!

Me: OMG yes! That was me! Thanks for following me! ily

Iwaited a few minutes. I was shaking and like jumping around on the couch. I'm glad Larysa's not here, she'd be yelling at me.

Connor: yah no problem! and ily2! :)

Okay. I'm dead!

haha hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Yup... Connor slid into those DM's WOOP WOOP! (BtW: both Sydney (Squishy) and LArysa ARE real people so yup. yup. yup. follow them on twitter and such!

Squishy: @sydneykawakami

Larysa: @literallylarysa

okay i luv you guys! bye!

From Fangirl to Friend- The untold Love story of Erin and ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now