Chapter Eight

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Third Person POV

Night falls in Hogwarts, as both Harry got up before Draco. "Dray, Dray, wake up, it's nightfall." Harry gently shakes Draco, "hmm~~  five more minutes..." Draco snuggles more into him. "Alright, I'll prepare the bath. Then we head off Dumbledore's office." Harry pats Draco's head as he went to prepare the warm bath while taking one in a go.

*10 minutes later*

"Harry! Harry!" Draco shouts at the bathroom door, "Merlin's Dray, what happened? why are you shouting ??" After a bath, Harry storms out freshly clothed, "A green butterfly message Harry! there's an emergency at the Slytherins Dungeon!" Draco cried out, then suddenly, "W-wait, calm down Dray! let's go get them, but first calm down, alright ?" Harry tries to calm Draco down, but then, "H-harry, l-look" Draco points out a red butterfly message, "Ron, Hermione, the Gryffindor Dorm!" he said, "hold on Draco! Calm down, clear your thoughts! I'm here, Draco!" Harry hugged Draco trying to calm him down as he doesn't want Draco to overboard again, "b-but they're..." Draco streams out, "I know, I know, but think about it Dray, it's two emergencies on both Slytherin and Gryffindor, they're trying to separate us, knowing we're a pair!" explained Harry still hugging him, "t-then what should we do, Harry? They don't know where we are nor are we haven't been able to control our magic yet! They... They're gonna attack our friends Harry!" Draco went frustrated, a magic flow starts to run into both of them.

"D-dray, calm down..." said Harry hugging Draco tighter, his head paining, "m-my head" Draco pains out, "CALM DOWN DRAY!" Harry pulled Draco into a breath-taking kiss, "Ha-mph!" Draco froze, but then starts to melt into the kiss, 'I-i can't breathe...!' Draco pats Harry's shoulders between the kiss, "Have you calmed down yet ?" Harry pulled out as Draco starts to regain his breathing, "s-sorry," breathes Draco, "it's normal to feel like that, but please have some control over your emotions, Dray. And remember, I'm here, you're not alone. We can do this, together." said Harry as Draco starts to tear up, "now now, why the tears ?" Harry wipes away Draco's tears, "overwhelmed," smiles Draco.

"smile more Dray, it suites you more," Harry smiles, "now let's go. We got friends to save." determined Harry starts to chant out a spell, "w-wait Harry, what about the plan ?" worried Draco, "easy, since they don't know our place, so we head to the Astronomy Tower, there it's easier to take them down as it's the tallest tower. Besides they're facing us, the Golden Pair who can do wandless magic. So just follow my lead, we'll win this attack." said Harry as he prepares the invisible circle. "we're teleporting there ?!" screams out Draco as they both teleport to the Astronomy Tower, "faster this way- Ouch!" Harry rubs his head, "at least warn me before doing it!" huffed Draco calming his shaken feet.

"Protego!" suddenly Harry yanked Draco in his arms, "You alright Dray ?" Harry asked worriedly, "g-good," Draco shaken, "that's it, you're done." Harry holds Draco's hand, then a rush of magic went out of hand, "H-harry," Draco trembles, "it's alright, we got this. Trust me, now it's not overboard." Harry holds Draco's closers as he smiles, "remember the spell Severus made ?" he asked, "No, Harry! We can't it's too dangerous!" Draco said as he gained strength, 'it's Uncle's forbidden spell!' "Don't worry, it's us who cast it, we can control whom are we attacking." assured Harry, "you mean, we can take them out without harming the others? for real Harry by that spell ?" Draco still unease, but willing to try, "precisely, it's not overboard. now, focus towards the death eaters, and cast the spell" Harry closes his eyes, Draco follows. As the magic rushes stronger, "Sectumsempra!" both Harry and Draco cast out opening their eyes. 

"Protego Totalum!" Harry cast out focusing on the students and the professors. Screams and cries of death eaters voice out as each one of them falls to an end. "Ach!" hiss Harry falling, "Merlin's Harry!" Draco got a hold of almost falling Harry, "thanks, my bad, can't help it, I forgot about that they might try to harm the others." Harry sheepishly said, "sigh this boy" Draco sighs, "Fire Bolt up! let's just head back to the others, they're probably in the Dining Hall right now."  Harry is shocked that Draco just summons his broom in a grip, "though we're gonna teleport again," he said as both of them takes off, "faster this way, and there won't be a place anyways." 'why do I suddenly feel uneasy ???' Draco thought as he flies firebolt towards the Dining Hall.

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