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E P I S O D E  0 8 [√]p a g e  e i g h t  :  O B S E R V A T I O N

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E P I S O D E  0 8 [√]
p a g e  e i g h t  :  O B S E R V A T I O N

the golden haired boy slowly woke up exactly the same time the door of his room creaked open and shut. "you're gonna be late." a calm voice says, before a hand came to shake his side. his eyes met the navy blue wall of his room, and he couldn't see the person behind him but could tell who it was.

as soon as his system cleared out, he jolted up, finally coming to realize that chiyo was in his room. "RIGHT! sorry, lola. i slept pretty late."

"bakit namumugto mga mata mo?" (why are your eyes puffy?) chiyo asked.

"i cried." takemichi responded unintentionally fast. he took a quick glance up to the woman, his brain managing to come up with a lie. " ... because i watched a tragic movie!" he smiled up to the woman, eyes turning into perfect crescents despite the redness. "it was really tragic but they got their happy ending in heaven, thankfully!"

it seems like the woman was convinced enough. chiyo nodded slowly, eyes squinting at the male. "don't do it again on a school night. get up now and take a shower." then the woman left.

takemichi felt like he could finally breathe again with how much air he didn't know he had been holding back finally blew out of his dry mouth. he slid a palm down his face with a groan. "that was close."

with still closed, sleepy eyes, he took his phone from his nightstand. checking the time — which made him to bolt out of his bed and to the bathroom, taking his towel from behind his room's door in the process.

he stood under the shower head in silence, letting the water run and wet his cold and dry body with warmth and tranquility. he slowly lifted his head, letting the water lightly hit his face, bringing his hands up to comb his hair back and away from his face.

and as if the silent cries he threw onto his pillows weren't enough, all the memories from last night flooded into his head.

what if they did it because they knew i have a crush on ken?

what if they did it to see my reaction?

what if they knew all along that i have feelings for ken?

this overthinking kind of convinced him that he wasn't discreet enough in hiding his feelings from everyone — especially to draken. and what could be worst is all his 'what ifs' might be true.

as he stepped foot inside the building, the weight in his chest grew heavier. chifuyu was standing by his locker, taking a few books from his locker as he talk mindlessly to hakkai and souta.

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