I've been taught all my life to live by the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." I didn't realize until probably my seventh grade year that that statement is complete and utter bullshit. Words hurt. They pierce your skin deeper than any knife could and tear you to pieces when they get the chance. And maybe it's not the words themselves but the people they're coming from, especially when they're coming from someone you once trusted so dearly. Words have power. They have control, and if you know how to phrase them properly you can, as harsh as it sounds, ruin someone. Today one of my acquaintances, had brought up the fact that he thought I was a whore. Let me tell you this, I have never had a boyfriend, and just because I have mainly guy friends does not under any circumstance mean that I am fooling around with any of them, they just cause less drama, or so I thought... anyways back to the point, I'm not sure if he was playing or not but for someone with really low self esteem I can tell you that being called a whore, hurt. I hate it. I'm offended and a lot less confident to say the least. When you feel you have to live up to a certain standard, you tend to take everything people tell you, to heart. You start to believe the lies because you think they are true. I know that they are lies but the fact that someone had the statement at least cross their mind while thinking about me hurt.
Rant book
DiversosA multitude of super short stories that I have written about random topics. Just so you know, the first few chapters are really sucky but I hope the rest are okay :)