Dead and Gone

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The sky was surprisingly cloudy for nighttime. Maybe it was a warning, a warning for the disastrous rainfall to come. One unlucky soul caught under this nightmarish weather was Nick Smith. This rich, soy boy of a 23 year old was caught under this heavy downpour for two reasons only. Boredom, and incompetence. He wanted to experience what it felt like to be a middle class citizen with no real future ahead of them.

Unfortunately for him, he had no skills. Being a rich second generation who did nothing but watch anime and movies all day had its perks, but when it came to getting a job, a real job, he had no advantages. Especially since he did not want his parents help, he wanted to feel the bona fide struggle of getting a job in the american economy. After countless rejections, he finally landed a job at Will's pharmaceuticals.... as a security guard.

Nick was elated. One must understand, McDonalds rejected him, so it was a surprise that he had been accepted, even though he had even less qualification to be a guard than a fast food worker. He thought it was a early Christmas miracle. Now though, he was regretting it a bit, he was utterly drenched in water, shivering from freezing cold, and he knew, he just knew, that he was going to get a deadly cold. But he was determined to prove himself to the bosses and to his peers. So he persevered, not to mention it was his last shift of the day and after this he could go home and curl up in the bed sheets and re-watch Naruto.

As his phone began to ring to signal the end of his shift, he heard some loud rustling sounds from behind him. He quickly silenced his phone, knowing that someone could not be out here in this heavy rain for a good reason, and they were so loud too, he could hear them through the rain. Carefully, he went back to his route and turned a corner, hands on his taser. Even through the downpour he can clearly see two people crouched down near the steel fence. One had already came through a hole they had made, while the other bigger one was still struggling through. Taking a deep breath, Nick grabbed his taser and shouted "Freeze!" in the loudest voice possible for him. 

The one who had made it through the gate slowly stood up with his hands behind his head, while the other froze. Nick, looking visible nervous began to approach the masked man. He slowly began to put down the taser to get his zip-lock cuffs. Taking advantage of this, the masked man whipped out a gun from his hip. Nick looked up and the world seemed to slow down. He could clearly see the shape of the rain droplets, the light of the gun as it fired, the bullet slowly approaching him, then finally entering his body.

He fell backwards. The world finally seemed to become normal once again. Pain is what you expect when getting shot but surprisingly he felt nothing. As the men began to run, as the blood pooled under him, he felt nothing. Nick Smith had always been flexible person, so when he felt the bullet entering his body he began to accept it. Of course he regretted, of course he wanted to see his parents and friends one last time, of course he was terrified of death, but what could he do but accept the reality? 

Slowly, his vision darkened. It seemed like millions of thoughts were racing through is head. His entire life flashed before his eyes, all the anime, the jokes, his parents. He decided to focus on the joy of his life. The joy of love, the joy food, and the joy of watching the first episode naruto... "If there is an afterlife, let mine be peaceful and fun."

On February 28th, 5:34 pm, Nick Smith died.

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