Carriage Ride

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I sat in our carriage, mother fussed over fixing my hair and dress, as if I were a new doll she had just bought at the store. I had my hair tied half up, half down and wore a very light blue dress with white boots.

-"Must we go?" I asked her, very certain of what she was to say, but I had to ask nonetheless.

-"Doubt they'll notice if we never arrive" I offered.

-"They will notice" she leaned forward, straightening my dress from the waist.

-"Where's your corset?" her stern expression was duly noted as she gave in a very harsh sigh.

-"And no stockings?" she had lifted the bottom of my dress a bit, and noticed the stockings were not there.

-"I'm against them," I told her.

-"But you're not properly dressed" why was she caring so much?

-"Who's to say what is proper?"

-"What if it was agreed that 'proper' was to wear a codfish on your head? Would you wear it?"


-"To me, a corset is like codfish" I half-mumbled.

-"Please, not today!"

-"Father would have laughed" I told her and her expression lowered a bit.

-"I'm sorry, I'm tired, I didn't get much sleep last night"

-"Did you have bad dreams again?"

-"Only one, it's always the same, ever since I can remember"

-"Do you think that's normal? Don't most people have different dreams?"

-"I don't know" she took off her necklace and tied it on me.

-"There, you look beautiful" she complimented.

-"Now, can you manage a smile?" I gave her a fake smile, which seemed to do the trick.

There was only a bit of a carriage ride till we were there. I dreaded the moment of having to get down from the carriage. But alas it could not be avoided, and we rushed to get to the party.

-"At last, we thought you'd never arrive," Lady Ascot told us, as we stood in front of her.


I apologize that these chapters are a bit short, I think they get a bit longer as they go.

I hope you enjoyed!


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