Frabjous Day Preparations

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They all stopped there talking and turned to me as the door of the throne room slammed shut. We stood there in a still silence for a bit before the White Queen walked towards me taking my hands in her's.

-"You have no idea how pleased I am that you are here, and in one piece!"

-"Especially with Frabjous Day being tomorrow, there's way too much to prepare"

-"But I'm not that Y/n, I'm the other Y/n, they told me so" I said looking over to the rest of them.

-"Nonsense, you are our champion, our protector from the Red Qu-King"

-"What has he done?" I asked, I had only seen Jack's...good side.

-"Nothing yet!" the white rabbit exclaimed and they all nodded and mumbled some agreements.

-"He's done nothing and you want to go to war with him?" I questioned, a bit angered.

-"Yet, dear, yet!" the White Queen exclaimed.

-"Aren't you supposed to be happy he isn't implying war?" I asked.

-"You're a very curious girl, aren't you?" the white rabbit stated.

-"Your job is simple, we even got the Vorpal sword for you" the white mouse half-explained.

-"She's right, your task is simple, be-head the jabberwocky and we'll win and there will be peace!" the White Queen took my hand and began to drag me off somewhere.

-"I-I don't want to be-head the jabberwocky" they all stopped and turned to me with a mixture of expressions.

-"If you don't be-head the jabberwocky there will be war and chaos, there will be no single creature who won't be under the clutches of the Red King" Absolem, who had come out of nowhere explained.

-"He's not that bad, he-"

-"He's treacherous!" the white mouse yelled.

-"Is not! He's a very kind person...kinda" I mumbled the last part remembering the flamingos and hedgehogs.

-"Oh don't be harsh! The poor dear has fallen in love!" they all turned to the White Queen then back to me.

-"What!" the white mouse yelled.



-"That's beside the point!" I yelled at them, even though I knew the Queen was probably right.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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