𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗶𝘁 𝗯𝗲?

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The sun had finally rose it was morning, Vinny was the second one up when he open his door he was greeted with a muffin! He had wonder who could do this? it wasn't a bad thing it was surprising. After having his breakfast he thought a nice walk around the house would be nice since he can't go outside. After a his mini walk the others started to wake up and after a role call only one person was missing.





"Felix..?" Rae called again starting to get worried.

"uhm Felix boy, where are you stop playing around!" Density said with her very thick accent.

"Density i don't think he is hiding.."  Millie said fidgeting with her sweater.

"h-he has to be! My little cousin is always playing tricks!" Density necklaces and bracelets jingle and clacker with each other when she moved around.

"Density..." Tom said with sympathy.

"It can't be! It can't be!" Density eyes started to fill with tears whiling she pulled on hair screaming.

"w-wait let's check around I'm sure he is sleeping still" Vinny said trying to reassure the crying blonde.

"oh that may be true.." Density sniffled with tears still falling.

Everyone started to check every room in the house calling Felix's name but they couldn't find no trace of him..

"FELIX!!" Density had started to sob at this point people were comforting her trying to calm her down but nothing was working all she wanted was her cousin.

"Guys there is still a room left." Gwen shouted trying to get peoples attention.

"R-REALLY?" Density said wiping her snot and tears.

"Yes! its the.. Garage."  everyone started to feel chills it was like a horror movie, Nobody wanted to open the door but Density got the courage and stepped up and slammed open the door with her eyes closed then slightly open them to see...

"F-felix..?" Density squeaked.

Felix was on the ground on his stomach with blood leaking from his neck. Density slowly walked in the garage and when she got close enough to his body she used her high heel to slightly turn Felix's body just enough to see his face..

Felix's Face was managed, Half of his skin was torn off and little pieces were falling off and his throat was cut and stabbed so hard you could see the inside of his skin and his vocal cords were ripped apart.

Density immediately screamed and clung on the nearest person which happened to be Jenny, everyone was screaming or covering their eyes until a static noise was heard.

"A body has been discovered!" The voice came from the speaker in the living room.

(if you get that i love you)

It was that voice.. the one that cause this.. it was the same for earlier .

"Please  gather in living room to discuss who you think the murderer is.." The mic cut off meaning 'help' Stopped talking.

"M-my" Density couldn't finished her sentence because she started crying again while Tom and Jenny comforted her. Everyone started to walk back in the living room, Everyone felt bad for Density she started to sob out "WHY IS IT ME" or "WHY DO I CAUSE DEATH" it was a sad sight, Everyone was in a bad mood..

The Speaker turned on again it sounded like someone was.. clearing their throat.?

(Key Help is this font & Dino is this)

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