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Michael and I walked into my apartment to see Luke sprawled out on the couch, snoring. I smiled to myself and made sure I was quiet as I tiptoed over to the coffee table and closed his laptop. I looked up just as Michael tripped over his shoe and face planted onto the floor with a loud thump.

"Idiot" I muttered under my breath. Turning back to Luke, who was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His eyes found Michael on the floor, who was groaning on the floor in pain.

"What happened?" Luke yawned.

Michael responded with another groan. Throwing a pillow at him I told him to get up. "That was your own fault" He groaned again, muttering some insults.

"Hey don't get mad at me. Get your ass up and off of my floor."

He threw the same pillow at me which I unsuccessfully dodged causing it to slap me across the face. Steadying myself, I glared at Michael.

"What?" he smiled innocently.

"Alright simmer down children" Luke put his hand on my shoulder as if he sensed I was going to jump Michael.

"Can we order a pizza? I'm hungry," Michael brushed past us and plopped himself down on the sofa. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed his phone and tossed it to him.

"So Mike, how's the new hair color working for you?" Luke asked grabbing three water bottles from the fridge.

"Everyone keeps picking on my hair color," Michael pouted.

"Well to be honest, it sort of looks like Mia's purple flowers she keeps here." Luke laughed pointing to the little pot that was set near the window.

"That's what I said,"

"That's it! I'm going to CVS" Michael angrily got up and stormed out of the apartment.

I looked at Luke who shrugged, "Eh, he'll be back"


"Mia" A voice says. Someone is in my room. "Mia wake up" Who the hell is shaking me at 5am? "Mia wakey wakey eggs and bakey" Who even says that? Pulling the covers over my head and curling up into the warm comforters I muttered incoherent words, "Mia get your ass up!" Feeling my blanket being ripped away from me I groaned suddenly feeling the cold morning air. "Mia! I said get the fuck up you lazy shit!" Michael! How the hell did here even get in here. That fucker!

Slowly I opened my eyes, wincing at the sudden morning light that flooded my room. I stared at the culprit with narrowed eyes. "Give me back my blanket, you dickwad."

"No, now get up we have to go to work at 10," he said as he stalked out of my room. As soon as the door closed I shoved my face back into the pillow "Don't you dare go back to bed, I will not hesitate to soak you in ice water," he called from outside of my room.

I glared at the door as I struggled to roll out of my warm and inviting bed. I glanced at the clock. 8:03 AM. I muttered some insults under my breath as I made my way to the bathroom.

After I was done, I opened the bathroom door to see Michael at the other side of the door holding up a box of hair dye.

"Wanna help me?" Michael's eyes were lit up like a kid's at a candy store.

Rolling my eyes, I pushed past him. "You woke me up two hours before work, to dye your hair?" I asked grumpily. He nodded.

I shook my head at him. Down the hall, a door opened and a flat-haired Luke emerged yawning while walking towards the bathroom. Michael made a b-line for the bathroom and got there before Luke.

"Oh come on mate!" Luke yelled in his morning voice as he banged on the door "You don't even live here!" I poured two cups of coffee and passed it to Luke as he sat down at the breakfast bar.

"Calm your shit, grumpy!" Michael yelled through the door. I shook my head and sipped my coffee. After about a half hour, Michael emerged from the bathroom with red hair.

"Looks good" I complimented. He smiled triumphantly while Luke brushed past him mumbling profanities.

At 9:43, Michael and I left for work. "So where is Luke going again?" I asked.

"To the record shop, I think" Michael answered, tugging his beanie on.

"Do you know why?"


"Yeah, you do" I smirked as he tried to hide his grin.

"Okay maybe I do, but I'm not telling you" he picked up his pace as we neared Reagan's café.

"Fine, then I'll guess" I struggled to keep up with him. Why does he have to have such long legs!

"Suit yourself, shortcake" he snickered, noticing how hard it is for me to keep up with his pace.

"Shut up, you loser!" I huffed in annoyance. "Oh, he went to pick up new records!"

"Ehh wrong" Michael imitate the sound of a buzzer going off.

I tried again, "He went to buy a new guitar?"

"Nope," Michael shook his head. I thought about how Luke was actually trying to make an effort in his appearance this morning. His hair was styled up, as usual, he wore his favorite black skinny jeans, and the cologne I got him for Christmas last year.

It hit me, "He's going to see a girl!"

"Bingo" Michael smirked as he booped my nose.

Swatting his hand away I clapped excitedly, "Aw that's so cute"

"Yeah yeah, whatever" Rolling his eyes, Michael held the door open "Now get in, my hand is getting tired from holding the door."

I snorted while walking through the door and into the warm café. I was greeted, by a very excited looking Angela. She grabbed my hand and Michael's hand while dragging us behind the counter.

"I've got some news!" Angela beamed.

We waited a couple of seconds, "Well spit it out girl" Michael encouraged.

Slowly, she held up her left hand. The smile never leaving her face, "I'm getting married!" She squealed.

"Holy shit, look at that ring!"

"Holy balls, that rock is huge"

Michael and I exclaimed at the same time. We both gawked at the sparkling diamond cut ring on her finger.

"Jesus, Josh bought that?" Michael asked taking a step closer to get a better view.

"Yes, he did!" Angela blushed at the mention of her fiancé.

"It beautiful!" I told her.

"Isn't it? Michael, you and Luke are invited. Mia will you be my maid of honor? It would mean so much to me!

"Yes!! Oh my god, I still can't believe you're getting married!"

"I know!!"

Angela and I spent the rest of our shift talking about the wedding plans. Michael soon got annoyed with all of the squealing and he left us to serve customers.


This is just a filler!

Thanks for the comments and votes xx

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