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Hey gois! I know some of you have been waiting for me to update this story for a while and i finally decided to start working on it. Since its a new year, i've decided to update more, well as much as i can really. Enjoy xx


I walked into work the next morning to see Michael, who was surprisingly early today. I shuffled past some customers who were seating themselves in a nearby booth. I walked behind the counter, hung up my coat and grabbed my apron.

"Good morning!" Michael slipped behind the counter and prepared more coffee.

"Why are you in such a good mood today?" I eyed him curiously as he hummed a tune I didn't recognize. He just shrugged and went back out to serve more customers. For the next hour or so, Michael and I worked efficiently having some banter here and there,

"Angela called in sick today so we got to work double tonight" I told Michael as he returned from cleaning a table.

He nodded as a new crowd of customers came in through the door.


"Hey Michael?" I called out.

"Yeah?" I heard him respond from somewhere in the back.

"Where's the key?"

"Check behind the cash register" he said coming to the front. I grabbed the key as well as my coat. Michael did the same and looked at me for a second.

"Do you mind if I walk you home?" he asked, surprising me. I looked at him weirdly.

"Uh sure" I didn't bother questioning him. I was just too tired to fight tonight. We walked out of the shop together. I made sure of to lock the doors before we started walking. When the snow started to fall, Michael and I picked up our pace. The streets were empty by this time of night.

"So Michael?" I was getting suspicious about the way he's been acting today. "Yeah?" he said stuffing his hands deeper into his pocket.

"Why did you offer to walk me home? I mean you're never this nice to me."

He thought for a second and then shrugged. "Well it's late and I wanted to make sure you got home okay." He said as his eyes roamed around the empty streets as if he were looking for something or someone.

I accepted his answer for now, although I might have to pry later. "Oh okay, well uh thank you" I said as we stopped in front of my apartment building. "That was really sweet of you."

He smiled. "Anytime, see you later Mia"

"See ya ... Mikey" I watched as he walked down the street, tugging his beanie down over his ears.

I quietly stepped foot into my apartment that I shared with my roommate. I heard shuffling as I walked to my room.

"Mia?" a voice asked.

"Yeah?" I took a step into the room.

"Help me with this?"he grumbled looking up from his laptop. I took one look at the papers and books scattered around the already messy room.

I sighed as I took a seat on the bed "Luke why do you always wait until the last minute to do things?"

"I don't know" he shrugged "I procrastinate ... a lot"

"I can see that" I said as I looked around the room. "What are you working on?" I moved closer to Luke's laptop screen.

"History paper, its due tomorrow" Luke cast his eyes down in shame as I shook my head at him.

"So will you help me?" he asked moments later.

"Fine, I'll help only if you help me with something."

"What do you need my help with?" he looked at me with curious eyes.

 I glanced at the clock. "I'll tell you after we finish your assignment."

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