Chapter 50 - Romeo

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Sun was rising behind tall glass building, making my dark living room so bright that it almost hurt my eyes. I sat there, on the sofa, with my elbows pressing my knees as I ran fingers through my, already long hair. One more sleepless night. I took my phone hoping for at least one message, it can even be fuck you, I hate you, but nothing. Blank. Completely blank. That's what I'm feeling ever since she's gone. Emptiness.
Dark circles under my eyes got their own dark circles. My four days longer untouched beard was itching my skin but the ache in my chest was worse. I didn't care about my beard, my hair, my half lidded eyes. The only thing I cared about won't answer my messages or calls and that gave me pain. Pain that began to be physical.

That night, four nights ago, when I had brushed that squeaking girls off of my body, my bodyguard approached me. He told me that Sofia came, that she didn't looked very good and that she saw everything.
I immediately run outside, calling her constantly. When I got to our penthouse she wasn't there but what made anger boil in my blood is that her things weren't there. I was angry at myself for letting those sluts touch me even for a minute, that's how long it lasted. Angry because I lost the only woman I have ever loved. The only woman that ever loved me for who I'm not for what I'm possessing. After throwing everything that came under my hands I called Enzo to speak to Kim. I needed to find her. If she looked bad before she saw everything that can't be a good thing. By the time Kim called back to tell that she doesn't know anything, I was in Sofia's apartment but she wasn't there. No sign of her. I sat down at her pink sofa, frustrated, angry and sad.
Sofia where are you baby... I utter to myself.

Only one good thing came from that night. Nicole got arrested because everything was her plan. Those girls were paid to touch me, to want me. By her. But the devil she is, she wanted to see her work in action. Little did she knew that I had cops, even feds, in the club and all around it. Maybe she got what she wanted, she had hurted Sofia at the end, probably pain worse than physical, but I got what I wanted, her behind the bars.

Kim barged in my penthouse the day after, she looked like she had escaped medical facility. She was angry with me, with every right. After one hour long talk, she believed me.
"Her father passed away. She's in California." I knew that's where her parents lived.
"Thank you so much." I didn't felt any relief, not until I sort this out "I'm gonna try fix this."

I went there. To the sunny, hot California. I hid myself like I'm some convict not the man in love. Man with his knuckles bleeding, his arms cut. Apparently I had shattered the window in my house that night, not feeling anything until I sat down on that pink sofa. In that moment I felt every possible pain but ignored my hands.
She looked so exhausted at her father's funeral. I wanted to squeeze her into my arms and never let her go, never again. I wanted to feel her body pressed into mine, her soft lips and silky hands in mine. I craved her. She was the drug and I was an addict.
In the brief moment I thought that she spotted me, behind the trees and bushes, that her green sleepless green eyes met mine. I hid as fast as possible while the woman next to her, that looked awfully like her, snapped her out of her thoughts.

My phone went on, a message, just as I was about to get in the plane.
Enzo: 32 years of prison babyyy!!!
I knew what he meant. Nicole is locked up for another thirthy two years. I hope she dies there. Little part of me relaxed after his message because I can try to make things work.
Being, somewhere important, people in New York, Enzo and I managed to get her trial as fast as possible and to lock her up as long as possible.
Flights drove me to the end of my strength but I couldn't fall asleep. Not when all I could think about is her soft green eyes, pale skin, tiredness that washed over her face.

Days have passed, without proper sleep, lots of coffee and whiskey. I think I started pouring whiskey into coffee. I hadn't even go to the work, I let Enzo take care of everything and this is the first time that I see him this serious. He was sitting in my penthouse every night, drinking with me in silence. Silence that made my body tremble but I couldn't speak, I wouldn't know what to say.
"You should go there." Enzo broke the silence in one of the many nights.
I just kept my mouth shut and my eyes on the glass of whiskey in front of me.
"Go there, tell her everything. Fix this fuckhole."
"Did you just made up that word?"
"No. Maybe. I fucking don't know Romeo." Big sip of whiskey "But this isn't you." Another one.
I followed his sips "How to fix the image that is imprinted in her brain?"
"She loves you, she will understand. You love her, you will try to make her understand."
"You know," another sip "you can be smart when you want to." He just laugh it off.

Enzo slept at mine that night, or should I say that dawn, because penthouse was already brighten up by the morning sun when he went in bed. I made few calls and went to the airport. Nervousness washed me over as I reiterated things I'm gonna say to her, over and over again. I had only one opportunity to make things right and I'm gonna use it, of course if she let me. For the first couple of hours I couldn't think of anything better than I love you but that won't be enough, not even close.

I felt my body disperse in hot California's air and bright sun. Maybe it was because of the hours and hours of flying or just simply my lifestyle for the past couple of days, but tiredness hit me like a truck when I landed. Sadly, for me, there was no time for that.

I may made a deal with Kim to tell me where Sofia is right now. This girl really believes in me because she has been nothing but helpful.
I felt like a zombie walking on sunny day, surrounded by cheerful people and lot of laughter.
My reason for smile, happiness and simply life was sitting in front of me. In the coffee shop. With some man.

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