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The next year rolled around fairly quickly, and there were a lot of changes. I went to visit Emily in London with Garcia, we got a new member of the BAU: Kate Callahan, Aaron and mine's relationship has been improving steadily.

But the biggest surprise was not when Spencer asked me to move in with him, but instead he asked me an entirely different question: if I would marry him.

I, of course, said yes. And the next day at work the team all congratulated us and we went out for drinks at a very expensive restaurant.

But right now, I walked into the BAU and almost ran into Kate, stopping just before we collided as we went up the stairs to the debrief room.

"Oh. Hey, Kate." I greeted her. "You're glowing today. Why's that?" I asked when I saw her smiling brightly.

"Why're you?" she replied.

"Nothing." I lied with a little smile.

She let out a little gasp and clapped her hands over her mouth. "Are you....?"

"Are you?" I asked.

She smiled and hugged me. "Oh my gosh! Vanessa!"

"Shhh," I hushed her, giggling a little. "I want to surprise Spencer."

"Why do you want to surprise the pretty boy?" Morgan asked when he walked over to us, looking between us.

I looked at Morgan and a smile split his face as he looked between me and Kate.

"I knew there was a glow to you two today." Morgan said, pulling us into a hug.

"Are we doing hugs now? I want in." Garcia walked over to us and wrapped her arms around us. "Group hug."

"Why are we hugging? Not that I'm complaining, but...." Garcia trailed off as she looked at me and Kate longer, then gasped and grabbed our hands, pulling us inside the debrief room.

"Guys! Kate and Vanessa got something to say. Say it before I do, guys." Garcia said excitedly as everyone turned to us and Morgan walked I side, standing next to Garcia.

"What is it?" JJ asked.

"Yeah. Kate." I turned to her with a smile.

She chuckled at me. "Good morning, I'm pregnant."

The room erupted in happy sounds and hugged until Garcia told everyone to quiet down again.

"Vanessa, go on. We must hear this." Garcia said.

"Hear what?" Aaron asked.

"Spence, I got something to tell you." I said.

"What's that, sweetheart?" he asked, walking over to me and standing in front of me.

"See for yourself." I gently moved his hand to rest on my stomach.

Aaron's eyes went wide and a smile spread across his face. "I'm gonna be an uncle?"

JJ put her hands over her mouth and a smile could be seen on her face.

Garcia squealed with joy.

Morgan smiled and clapped Spencer on the back. "Congratulations, kid."

Kate hugged me tightly. "I knew it!"

A smile spread across Spencer's face as he looked at me with joy. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." I told him, resting both my hands over his still on my stomach. "I just found out before I came to work."

He opened his mouth to say something, but a light laugh of shock came out instead, his thumb brushing over my stomach.

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