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"Spence, I don't like this plan at all." I said as we stood outside of the restaurant in the night air.

"I know, but it's the best way to get Garcia's hitmen off of her." he replied, turning to me.

I looked down at my ring and twisted it, looking back up at him. "I know what you're about to say to Cat Adams is fake, but I still won't like hearing it coming from you."

He sighed and nodded, pulling me into his arms and kissing my hair. "I know. I won't enjoy saying it either. I love you so much."

I smiled and smiled up at him, kissing his cheek. "I love you, too."

He unwound his arms from me and opened the door for me. "After you. I'll be in in a second."

I gave him one last look before walking through the restaurant doors, having a man look up from his book at the front desk.

"Hotchner. Table for two?" I asked.

"Right this way, ma'am." The man said, walking around the desk and leading me to a square table that was in the corner, giving us a clear view of where Spencer and Cat would be sitting.

"Hey, Vanessa. You going to be okay?" Rossi asked as I sat down across from him, taking off my coat.

"Am I okay with my husband pretending to not care about me, and for him to even talk with a professional hitwoman? No." I responded, looking at the table and seeing Spencer give me a little smile before sitting down in his seat, being joined by a dark haired woman in a blue dress.

"Hey. We're supposed to not look murderous towards her." Rossi said, drawing my attention back to him.

"I can't help it." I said softly.

"I know. But let's refrain for a few hours." He said with a little smile. "How are the kids?"

"They're good. Elizabeth is with them currently. She came by last-minute." I said.

"Elizabeth seems like a good person." he said, bringing the glass of water up to his mouth.

"Hmm. I could set you two up if you'd like." I said jokingly, hearing him choke on his water and set the glass down.

"Vanessa." He coughed.

"Sorry. I make bad jokes when I'm annoyed." I replied. "Trying to put my murderous rage towards this girl into something less destructive."

"Well, it's working." he said, "and if you're so annoyed, listen in to their conversation."

"That's what I've been doing." I said, fidgeting with my earpiece and having the static fade out into clear voices.

"Tell me about your wife." Cat said.

"If you mind, I'd rather not talk about her." Spencer replied.

"Might as well get it out in the open, right? That's why we're here." She pressed, "how long have you been married?"

"Almost a year." he answered truthfully.

"When is she due to give birth?"

"A few months." he lied.

"Married for a year and due to give birth in a few months. That's an awful suspicious time to want to kill your wife and unborn child." she said.

"I don't"—I could tell he was having trouble getting this sentence out—"I don't love her."

"Let me see your ring." She said suddenly, then scoffed a little. "You want to know what that is? That's a noose. Only it doesn't kill you suddenly. It kills your slowly. Day by day. Take it off."

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