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The team had come by in the later weeks to get ready and plan for the twins' birthday that was be coming up next week.

"Want to know what the twins want most for their birthday?" I asked as we all sat around the living room.

"New toys? Ooh! A blanket!" Garcia guessed. "Come on. Every kid wants a blanket."

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "For their father to come home. I wish I could say it will be happening for sure, but now with the evidence towards him, I'm not so sure anymore."

Rossi put a hand on my knee. "We will get the kid back, Vanessa. We promise you that."

"Yeah," JJ agreed, "on another note, when was the last time you got any sleep?"

"Yeah, Vanessa, I've been staying on the couch for the past week, and I've been hearing you walking around upstairs until midnight." Luke pressed.

"Sorry if I've been keeping you up." I apologized.

He nodded but shrugged. "Hey, I don't mind staying up late, but I do mind when one of my friends can't sleep and don't talk about what's bothering them."

"Yeah. Spill." Garcia said.

I sighed and leaned back on the couch. "I haven't been able to get much sleep because I've been worrying nonstop about Spencer. It's rough in those prisons, and I'm scared for him."

"We all are, Vanessa. And hey, we got some more information that will help Reid's case." Walker said.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah. Maybe enough to get him out of prison." He added.

"That's great, Walker! Why didn't any of you guys tell me?" I asked the team.

"We wanted to keep it a surprise. But you looked like you needed a pick-me-up." Rossi said.

Emily's phone pinged and she picked it up, looking at it and a smile forming as she looked at all of us.

"What is it?" Rossi asked.

Emily looked at Rossi and started typing on her phone, having Garcia's and JJ's phones ping with her text moments later.

"Vanessa, do you think you could come to the BAU for a second?" Emily asked.

"Oh. Would it be okay to bring the kids? I mean, we're not seeing corpses, are we?" I asked as we all got up.

Emily smiled. "You're safe from that. I'll help you with Morgan."


I watched at the twins played with Luke at his desk, smiling at him when he looked over at me.

"He's great with kids." Lewis commented.

"Yeah. But as much as the kids enjoy having a father-figure around, I'm sure they'd still prefer the real one." I answered.

"I'm sure the judge will see our evidence and let the kid go soon, Vanessa." Rossi said.

"I hope so. The twins' birthday is next week." I said. "By the way, where is JJ and Garcia? I haven't seen them since Em sent them that text."

"No idea," Rossi answered.

"I can tell you're lying, Rossi." I said, hearing the elevator door ding open.

"Daddy!" Morgan shrieked happily, pointing and clapping.

I turned around and saw Spencer walk out of the elevator, smiling at me. "Spencer!" I ran to him and threw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

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