Part 3 : Dinner out

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He gave me a huge hug, which was surprising , which was really nice at the same time . While he was hugging me he said in my ear " You're absolutely gorgeous !" I immediately started blushing and was afraid to show my face so I continued to hug him. During our hug, I couldn't help but notice his scent , which was very attractive . After that I said " your not too bad yourself " , and he then smirked at me , as if he had no idea what I was talking about, which was adorable . After that I wanted to know more about leo, what he liked , and what his interests were , so I said " were going out to dinner tonight, wanna go?" He turned around immediately and said " sure absolutely!" He said " I'll meet you at 7:00? Then I said ok , and went straight to my room to get dressed . I asked Savannah what I should wear ? And Savannah said something nice , so I threw on my black dress with black high heels , and curled my hair . Then I went downstairs and asked Savannah if she liked my outfit , she agreed and said " don't worry Leo won't judge you !" And then we went next door to pick up Leo , who was dressed in a plaid grey shirt with shorts and vans , he looked adorable . "Hop in !" Savannah said while he jumped in sitting next to me , " hey Paige " he said excitingly . Hey Leo , you ready for tonight ? I said impatiently . Leo said disregarding the question " you look amazing " awww, Savannah said loudly embarrassing me to the point where I was blushing . I then said to leo with my blushing face " thanks " ! Eventually we arrived at the restaurant and met up with Savannah's friends. Savannah decided that it would be better if leo and I had our own table , so I totally agreed making sure I didn't miss that chance of getting alone time talking to leo , and thanked her . Leo asked me so tell me about yourself ?Then we couldn't stop talking until dinner was over. We were so alike , and leo was really easy to talk to , super sweet, and adorable . We went back home as I was wishing this night wouldn't end . We then got home and Leo and i went to our living room to watch a movie . Leo and I were on the cozy couch watching " the Vow". Leo cuddled up to me , while watching the movie . Leo asked me if he could call me his girl , he said," I know it's really soon Paige , but I really like you" , and I think you should be with me . I froze almost immediately .I've never met a guy like him. It is really soon , but it's amazing the connection we have , and I can already tell I'm in love with him , not his jaw- dropping looks , but his personality is what really got me . So he gave me another hug which of course made my heart melt , as I said yes ! After the movie , he got his stuff to leave . He gave me a huge hug and a peck on the forehead. "Goodnight babe see you tomorrow ! " he said . I gave him one more hug , and said goodnight. I closed the door to my new home , and went to sleep .

Hope you guys liked this chapter, and I will soon make more 😘 ;)

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